Everyday this week I’ve had this little
ongoing battle with the rest of the cattle
at the doors of the train
Every day I’ve come up against the enemy
The enemy turns up a little bit later and
believes that etiquette doesn’t apply to
I’ve made my self the so called justice of
the train door
There’s a woman who’s always there before
me so I try my hardest to make sure I hold
the pack of wolves off the door so that
she can get on first
That’s when the enemy smells fear and
pounces and try’s to get in front of
everyone, even the woman who we are all
trying to make sure she gets on first
Smelling weakness the enemy try’s to duck
and dive through people
The train is early enough that there are
enough seats for everyone
That’s when I can’t resist to make sure
the evil empire doesn’t win (there is
train etiquette after all, and it’s better
than tube etiquette)
Whoever wins we both know that tomorrow we
play the game again
I’m not normally this petty, but that’s
what competition does to you
next week I’m not gonna play this game and
will hang up my throne as lord justice
But this week, with only one day left, I
want to win every day
Competition brings out the drive in all
Not saying it’s always healthy this
morning battle certainly isn’t but we can
use that competitive focus that is in
every golfer and turn it to anything
Want to lose weight, compete with someone
What to make more money compete with last
months sales
It’s that’s simple
At unbreakable golfers we get you to play
a game for a month after with the other
players to keep you focused
Competition will help you unless you’re
terrified of losing
But we cover how to get over that too
John Seton