You remove health as a goal,
Body composition as a target
Energy as the prime focus and....
Take the benefits of Exercise off the
table you actually only need one thing for
succesful weight loss
Drum roll...........
The very un sexy concept of a calorie
You can be lean (But unhealthy) by eating
sh*t food as long as you burn more energy
then you consume
Building a plan you can stick too is a bit
more focused,
Getting the right nutrition takes more
Eating the right foods for maximum
perfomance is very individually specific
weight loss can be controlled by
controlling your calories
Just to be clear thats not how I eat,
I eat based on
Having energy to do more,
Exercising based on my limitations and
Being able to eat the same dinners as my
But for fat loss you only need one thing
So with that info there are now no excuses
if thats you "only" goal
That being said having an exercise plan
will help you stay committed to fat loss
cos you're more invested,
If you wanna know more about a diet that
is based on having more energy but can
lose fat too
We cover that in the unbreakable golfers
yardage book
But for fat loss
Just eat less than you burn
John Seton