UNBreakable golfers

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Unbreakable Rule 2

Paul Mort calls it

“The game of comparison for pussys”

That’s when you compare yourself to those
worse than you, just...

To feel better.

“At least I ain’t as bad as him”

I used to use this in my failures

But it doesn’t help you grow

Not even a bit,

Then if done wrong, comparing yourself to
those better than you can be a problem too


Example... the facebook news feed

You’re grafting, working a 16 hour shift
and struggling, waiting for a client to
pay you a large chunk of cash

You see a Facebook post, of someone on
holiday with their kids, you may feel
guilty that you’ve been working so hard
and not seen yours

The fact is by using Rule 2

"Only comparing yourself to yourself"

You can control the game

You do that by trying to be better than
yesterday, last week, last month, last

If you play against yourself (instead of
with yourself) you can actually grow.

So stop beating yourself up and just...

Beat yourself

Wanna know how to score that....

Go here


John Seton