UNBreakable golfers

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What are you afraid of?

If you can find out what it is you're afraid of, You can find out why you're afraid of it.

Most people are afraid of what other people think.

Even the ones that tell everyone, “I don't care what other people think”

You know why?

They're telling you that because they care deeply what other people think.

It's human nature to want to be accepted by the group they consider themselves in.

So, if there is something that you're not taking action on, it could have nothing to do with you being lazy, and probably more to do with the fact that

you're worried how it's gonna look to someone.

The question is,

if you're not taking action on something, what is the potential fear that stop’s you taking action?

It could be massive or it could be minor.

But if you know what that fear is, you can find out if it's justified or not.

Let's say, you're just about to do a bungee jump. You might have a fear of death.

That helps because you are about to jump off a bridge with nothing but a condom attached to your legs.

But at the same time, you might have a fear of a meeting just because you are worried about the outcome.

If you can find out what you're afraid of, you can see if the fear is justified and helping you or hurting you.

If you're not doing something you know you should be doing ask yourself,

What is the fear here?

What is the one fear that's potentially holding me back?

And is it justified?

If it is,

then stop worrying about the outcome, realise you're looking after yourself.

If it isn't.

See what you can do to stop that fear so you can take the action to get what you want.

Either way, it’s very simple, and progress is on the other side of your comfort zone.

And it's gonna be something that’s massively covered in unbreakable mindset.

Wanna know more about that, reply to this email,

If you want to use your golf to get in better shape for the summer, click the link below.


John Seton 

Nice one