“When people say it can't be done, what they are really saying is that it cant be done without getting uncomfortable”  Gary of House Halbert. 

The quote makes all the sense in the world. The only reason anyone can’t do anything that someone else has been able to do, for example, get better, lose weight, make more sales, it really all comes down to not being willing to do the uncomfortable work necessary to get that result. 

And this has nothing to do with laziness. 

let’s get some juicy tender meat out of the examples above. 

1) Anyone can lose weight. There is more evidence than anything else about a calorie deficit  being the main factor in weight control. It’s not the only factor and if it’s not done right can mess with your body and you can feel like shxt, but if you burn more calories then you consume, that calorie deficit will be paid from somewhere, namely body fat (and muscle). 

But, to achieve that there has to be a change in your current comfort level (or at least the perception of what you believe will change your comfort). 

2) Anyone can get better at what they do. It just requires reps. Does this mean that with enough practice I can play on the tour NO, my shitness will be a huge limiting factor, but with enough hard work and correct practice, anything can be improved to a level where we can be better than we are now. But those reps will get us out of our comfort (or at least we will believe it will).

3) Any business will live and die on the number of qualified leads it can bring in. 

The more people who want what you have and can offer them, the more reddies you can bring in, but to do the work necessary require’s putting the time in to find, nurture and add value to those leads so that when they need what you have to sell, you are the only business they think of because the amount of value you have provided up until that point (and the more value you will provide after that point so they continue to come back).

All of these things will make you uncomfortable but it’s the daily reps, off of a specific plan that builds up to the long term target that gets you the results you want. 

^ ^ ^ Read That Again Because It Is That Simple ^ ^ ^ 

Having a plan to follow that will give you the clarity to take the daily actions that lead up to your long term results is the easiest way to beat that uncomfortable-ness (new word).

Being consistent with what you do (so consistent that it actually becomes a habit) leads you to your desired outcome.

The GolfMob online is the simple system for adding yards to your full swing and taking a blow torch to your waistline, 

The added bonus of the two has a compound effect that builds on each other and means that you get exponentially better. 

It has a simple plan, using daily action building to a specific long term target. 

It’s the best way to getting used to being uncomfortable and to stop making the same mistakes you always do. 


John Seton