My opinion on politics is extremely limited and goes as far as the belief that 95% of people voting have the same plan and that is...

Voting for who they despise the least. 

Not a great way to make decisions is it?

“Morning Sir. We’re conducting this survey and would to know which steaming pile of turd you would like to vote for?”

It reminds me of what the Terry Venables (Remember him) once said about his ongoing battle with Alan Sugar when they were both at Tottenham, and that it was all "Bollo-tics".

Bollo-tics definition.. Taking an important subject that has a lot of political nature, add a load of bollox no one cares about and what you have is a plan that means anyone in the conversation will say anything to prove themselves right. 

“Everything we did was awesome and everything they did was rubbish” 

Personally, I don't think you can trust anyone who can't say...

“Hold tight a second, I admit that I messed that up, it was completely my fault and it won't happen again” 

You see this dude you can trust. He's not too busy to do his job because he’s not spending time hiding his mistakes. 

But the real ones we have to watch out for is the “It wasn't me it was him” fella. 

No, this one has to go. 

This type is the worst, he's always standing around a major disaster telling everyone who will listen why it's not his fault, and who 'IS to blame.

Unfortunately for him and fortunately for the rest of us, he ends up having everyone lose respect for him because it takes him too long to realise the truth that... 

Nobody's perfect and those who pretend they are, are just liars. 

So maybe it's a case that most people just vote for who they believe will lie the least. 

And who will talk the least amount of bollo-tics. 

When it comes to increasing how far you smash the golf ball and how good you look doing it then the GolfMob Online is far from perfect. 

Actually, most people shouldn't even take the time to go to this page 

As they can't bullshxt themselves and pretend they will do the work it takes to get the results they want. 

Like most politicians, they will just give lip services about how they:

“will change things” 

“will make things better” 

All the while kidding themselves and just doing nothing to actually get the results. 

But if that's not you. If you are someone who takes action, wants to get better and is the furthest thing from a politician then maybe its time to beat the bollo-tics and get serious results in 37 days.

The how to get started is here 

John Seton