UNBreakable golfers

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When Motivations Gone

You know the feeling,

Some days its just a struggle to get
through the day

You've got your coffee, there's plenty to
do but...

You just cant get going,

There's no excuses for it,

Large Latte in ya hand, in that red paper
coffee cup with those familiar words on
the side

Those words that make you wanna stop for
petrol even if you've got a full tank


I honestly think they may put crack in the

If there's a costa sign I'm like a lemming

So how to get through a day like this

A few things

Hit your numbers

(you do have a daily game that you try to
win each day dont you?)

The simple things that if the whole day
goes to the fan, at least at the end of
the day you can say you hit your numbers.

Think of it like your football team
playing a shocker, hanging on for dear
life and somehow coming away with the

you wont care about the performance the
next day

Just the points.

Tell yourself that just making a start is
enough, if you get more done great

If not at least you made an effort, Your
brain will mess with you if you let it,

It will tell you that you should have done
more, that you're lazy or that your not up
to it but

If you feel like you cant be bothered
thats ok....

Just make the effort

Sometimes you just need to SHOW UP,

So hit your numbers, start something on
your target list and then try to be better

Remember confidence comes from looking
back not looking forward

Looking back over what you've pulled off
that week, month , year

thats where you get confidence by...

Appreciating what you've achieved then

Just show up and…
Try to be better than yesterday

John Seton

PS If you want a daily game to play

A game that gives you confidence, energy,
focus and improvement

Then become Unbreakable
