UNBreakable golfers

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Yep, I Fuuked Up

It takes a big man to admit when he's

And at 6 foot 2 minus 5.5 inches I am not
a big man,


Being able to hold your hands up and say
"yep I fxckked up" is more important to
growth than anything else.

So it seems that the capture page, the
page that sends me your Unbreakable
Golfers form

Wasn't sending the forms to me when they
were filled out after I'd updated the

They seemed to be have been sent into the
abyss of cyber space never to return.

How do I know this?

Cos a pal of mine said he'd filled one
out, then tested the site myself (ALWAYS

Then sent a message to my site host and
this was the reply

"Hi John I've just checked your form and
it isn't connected to any email which is
why forms aren't going through"

I would like to blame the site host,
google docs or Jose Mourinho but the fact
is occasionally I have the ability to f*ck
things up

(Shhhs dont tell the Mrs)

So here's what I'm gonna do to show that
you must pay for your mess ups

If you want to get on either of the next
two Unbreakable Golfers you will get it
for £175 but first...

Some rules

1) I MUST Receive the form by 28th
February to receive the discount,

2) It can only be used for the next TWO
Unbreakable Golfers events if you cant
make those date tough brown stuff

With that go here


I'll remind you monday and Wednesday then
we will never speak of this again.

John "Priiickkk" Seton