My car with new technology wouldn't lock, and I stood there like a wally for about five minutes pressing buttons opening and checking doors, pressing more buttons, phone a friend while using all the new tech on this motor but eventually got it open by using a good old fashion screwdriver (you can take the man off-site, but you can't take the site out of the man).

I know I am a caveman, who found the bright shiny computers pretty to look at and I just get by typing with the bottom of my fists, but sometimes,  

a good old screwdriver is what you need.

You can keep your fancy retina scans to start a motor, give me a key that I can use to open boxes too. 

Most people think they need the perfect set up to get the perfect results. 

However this causes them to jump from one thing to another, one plan to another, one putter do another rather than just doing the simple thing that has worked in the past and stop the nonsense that doesn't. 

Feeling that you can’t do something because it is too difficult just means you haven't broken it down yet into a small part to make it not only simpler but FAR easier to take action and get it done. 

There is always a simpler way, you just need to stop looking for perfection. 

The guys that are getting the best results are not working to a perfect plan, they just have a plan and stick to it consistently. 

What could you pull off in the next 12 weeks if you just did the simple things you know you should consistently be doing every day?

How different would it all look from today if you stopped stopping and jumping from one thing to another?

How would your body look and feel?

How much more confidence would you have in what you are doing?

How much happier would you be to be around?

How much more money would you make?

It could be what you eat, what you drink, how you sedate or just giving yourself permission to say bollocks I’m doing this. 

Simplicity stops all the excuses. 

And it doesn't come simpler than this;

John Seton

Nice one