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The Why

After a sh*t day on Sunday,

I got back on track by getting back into
the flow with a simple system.

For me thats a 5.15 start and to be honest
snooze was hit,

However, because I'd planned my week,
(something done every Sunday night)
getting up was possible due the my real

Didn't fancy it, but when you have 11 days
left to hit your targets, staying in bed
is not an option.

However by being consistent to my "Morning
system" it meant flying into the day and
seriously back into flow.

Having enough reasons (real reasons, which
I'll cover in a minute) gives you enough
leverage to talk yourself out of the sh*t

So what are the real reasons behind what
you do?

Well…. In selling they say the first
reason is not the real reason..

Its the same in all forms of coaching too.

So finding the WHY is the key to
motivation and its slightly more difficult
than you think.

Quick example...

A fella comes to see a fitness person and
says "I just want to BE more healthy"
without asking the right questions this
person will probably not stick it out.

For me a powerful question here would

"If you only could chose one, would you
rather, BE healthier or LOOK healthier".

The "Why" for success would be completely
different even if everything else was the

It would be pointless telling someone who
wants to look healthier that eating this
food will help your digestion.

Compared to

The same food will "Be difficult for your
Mrs to keep her hands off you"

When it comes down to picking the hard
option over the easy option you need.....

Powerful WHY.

The why is what will keep you consistant
when every thought in your mind is telling
you its not worth the time or effort.

And you find the why by asking the "RIGHT"

If you wanna find your why to staying
consistent then maybe you should go here  

If not just find what you really WANT.

John Seton

Sunday Morning Puff-Head

I Lived like Puff-head the first half of

The day didn't start too well

Didn't hit my morning routine

Had plenty of tea “before” any water

No green smoothie,

And even though I spent time relaxing with
the kids

I was glued to the sofa and felt like i'd
just traveled back from Ibiza

So what was the cause, it wasn’t something
I realized at the time but...

The end of my 90 day target is 12 days
away and I'm off course

Quite a bit...

And what happens when we are so focused on
looking forward, that if we think we wont
or can’t pull off/hit our targets we get a
little p*ssed off,

And we will look to sedate to get a tiny
bit of control

And that isn't good for fellas like us cos

Looking back is where the power is,
appreciating what we've pulled off is of
huge importance

It'll give you a little boost and can
completely refocus the mind on what we
"said" we wanted in the beginning

What we said we wanted when we set the

But sedating also robs you of the energy
you need do get “all” the stuff done

it was only when I left the house that I
got any energy back,

I was able to pull the day round by
finding out what the problem was

and this shift changed everything

So the point is if you set a target

If you track it daily and if the targets
you set are big enough to challenge you,
then there will defiantly be times when it
will look impossible to hit them

But at that point....

Its human nature to give up, say “whats
the point” or wait until the start of the
next 90 day segment or new plan

But if you remember that its a game that
you're playing with yourself (get your
mind out of the gutter) and that you need
to push as hard as you can until the VERY
end even if you are miles off track

keep going till the last day

You will get much more done than just
packing it in.(pretty obvious right?)

When that last day comes, "Then" you

And see what you could have done better to
achieve it.

The old cliché of "play to the whistle"
can be used,

If you want to know the strategic way of
setting your targets so that you can stay
on track even when it looks impossible

The way I do

Targets that spread outside of your golf
and your fitness then look into
unbreakable golfers  

Its where we all try to win

John Seton

Arsenal, Questions & A Zoo

To find out check out these emails

Recap of this week fella

Monday "My Kids & A Real Lion"

Tuesday "Advice For Jamie Carragher"

Wednesday "2 In A Row

Thursday "Ask John"

Friday "The 4 Keys To Consistent Fat Loss"

Saturday "What You Deserve"

For Unbreakable Golfers  

Go here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Or questions to

What You Deserve

“You don’t get what you want, you don’t
get what you need, you don’t get what you
deserve, you only get what you are
ruthlessly committed too.” Garret J White

Very simply idea,

You get what you are committed to

That’s it

So decide what you want, need or deserve
and then.....

Decided if you are willing to be committed
to it

And my friend if it’s Golf Performance

The make your way over here

If not, just be committed to whatever it

John Seton

The 4 Keys To Consistent Fat Loss

The biggest problem with trying to cut
down, is that people think they need the
RIGHT plan to lose weight

There are Sport specific plans like what
we do and also

just crazy plans, but you only need 4
things for consistent fat loss

Thats it,

Four simple things that anyone can do,

So what are they

1) Calorie deficit

We can pretend that there are foods we
can't eat, but the fact is you can eat
anything "you want" and still lose if you
have a calorie deficit.

You might feel rough but thats another

2) sufficient protein intake,

protein isn't just for bodybuilders, and
foods that have a high protein content
will help with hunger

3) progression in nutrition


4) Progression in exercise

Your body is alway's trying to become more
efficient and trying to get back to what
it considers normal.

Have a progression plan for both
food/nutrient intake and energy
expenditure and you can continue to lose.

So with all the information available to
everybody why is everybody struggling

Because we dont just eat when we are

We also eat when we are tired,

When we are stressed,

When we feel food might be wasted
(finishing the kids dinner),

For fun.

There also comes a point when we compare
ourselves to others and...

If we decide "things aint so bad" we
give up

But if we continue to compare ourselves to
ourselves, and try to beat what we did

Then we can stay competitive

And there isn't one of us that doesn't
like to win.

To play the unbreakable game with us
and try to win

Go here  

John Seton