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Your Body Extension

Let’s say you’ve decided to do a nice extension,

You want it to be a man cave but the boss has convinced you that it’s for more room

Would you put the furniture in before it’s built?

How about the roof first?

Stupid questions I know, then why does everyone when trying to:

Be healthier,

Get stronger,

Lose fat or even

Improve anything try to do the finishing touches first.

If you want that fat extension, as much as it’s cool to think about the size of the tv screen that’s going in there or if it’s gonna be a corner sofa or a 3 and 2 seater.

Lay the foundations before you build any walls,

Because if you don’t do it right that sh*t won’t last long and your’ll be back to square one after wasting money, energy and more importantly TIME

So if you want to change what you eat

Add nutrients,

Want to fix your body learn how to stabilize it at the core

Want to stop ripping people’s heads off create space in your mind

Lay the foundations first, it’s not sexy, and it takes longer then the quick fix but....

With strong foundations it will last and not crumble around you under the first sign of outside pressure 

Enter UG, a place where I teach powerful stuff I've have tested and used for years

and I refine it every 90 days

Lay the foundations and build everything to be bigger, better, stronger, faster and more robust

John Seton

Something Needs To Change

For me it was being exhausted and in pain all the time.

I spent years in pain,

Body was broken, back used to go regularly and that’s when I would tell the story that I was gonna look after myself

But as soon as I was pain free

I didn’t do anything until....

The next time I was in pain.

Then the story would start again, "gonna look after myself now" until the body broke again.

This constant loop af pain, story, pain , story, 

So I started to study the body and how pain can be treated, and then how exercise and adding foods would actually stop you getting hurt,

Stop you living in pain.

Pain is good, sounds like something a crazy person would say but it's good because

Pain is a request for change, and change cant happen until there is enough pain to WANT to change and get better

The thing is....

Change doesn’t mean better but you can’t have better without change,

There comes a point where something different has to be used to get you to where you want to go, or at least to where you used to be.

Eat right,

Exercise and fix your limitations...

If you wanna see how fella's are waking up with power and not pain,

While plying golf with more confidence as distance.

Then do something different that if you follow, will make you...


John seton

Where’s My Email

Where’s My Email

Let’s be clear..

I’m big on consistency, I think it gives any man the power to produce as well as the ability to gain and build confidence, but...

Sometimes life gets in the way.

Take this morning, I had to go “crack of dawn” to sort out an impending issue,

No time to write out and get you an email ready for you to start your day...

let me tell you why I want you to get it first thing.

Your morning, the start of your day can dictate how your day finishes

I was taught and firmly believe that the way you start your day can be lead back to how you produce that day and how much energy you have

Generally you wake up in scarcity, every part of your body wants to stay in bed, just a little longer,

Just one more snooze button.

Then depending on how you FEEL will dictate your perspective on everything that comes your way,

Ever notice how you can get so much done from the time you wake up to the time you leave on a work day, but...

On an off day the same stuff takes forever.

This is because of the “plan” and the “routine” you have engrained and of course an impending deadline,

But waking up in scarcity and not getting out of it before you leave the house will impact your results

How do you get out of scarcity?

One way is to STAY off your phone until you have your mind right...

The phone is full of scarcity, and of coures work, 

Give yourself a time frame where you can just think without any news at all.

1 hour is best but do the best you can

Wanna learn exactly what the tools, tricks and plan I use Everyday to get out of scarcity.

I’ll show you here 

John Seton 

Days, Change, Wenger, Thursday, Wins,

Covered a lot this week, society, how to use time.

End of le boss, how to feel awesome on a Thursday and of course an F.U. to positive thinking

Check out the emails for more

Monday "Follow The Follower"

Tuesday "Not Enough Time"

Wednesday "How To Change"

Thursday "How Wenger Can Help Your Golf"

Friday "New Man Thursday"

Saturday "Whats Your Biggest Win?"

For Unbreakable Golfers  

Go here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Or questions to

Whats Your Biggest Win?

Seriously, whats your biggest win this week, 

Without justifying it, or measuring it to what you think is a win (resting can be a win if your recked)

You will have one but lets just say for some reason you cant think of one, then....

Whats your biggest win this year?

If you cant find one I can tell you now that you are full of brown stuff.

Why do I ask?

We get so wrapped up in what we've STILL got to do we forget that there is a lot of stuff we pulled off and some of it was huge. 

How do you feel about that win?

Pretty good right.

Lets be clear this is not positive thinking.

Positive thinking could be believing everything is ok when things are in the karzi. 

No this is just being aware of what you have actually achieved.

The mind doesn't really need an excuse to be negative, its job is to make sure you dont feel pain. 

Just remember, you HAVE pulled a lot of high level stuff off. 

How can you apply this to golf, 

That you will have to see for yourself 

John Seton