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How the FBI can help your golf.

How the FBI can help your golf.

Jim Camp was considered the world's best negotiator, so much so that the FBI changed their whole way of negotiating because of his "NO" system.

His system has many parts but is focused on a few foundational principles.

One of them is his "Vision Drives Decision" principle...

The fact, that people make decisions based on what they see and feel.

Marketers have being doing this for years and know that people buy stuff based on emotion and back that decision up with logic.

Think about the old washing powder adverts getting you to see what's possible for you if you buy their product versus the leading unnamed brand (which your mind feels in who it is).

When you apply this principle to the news, your news feed and WhatsApp videos sent to your phone these visions can help persuade you to make decisions.

wether those decisions are things you want like cutting something out or you don't want like sedating with whatever you use as a coping mechanism for stress.

So this same FBI system can help explain why we sometimes make stupid decisions on the golf course.

You know the ones.

I can't tell you the number of times I've been in the trees, with a poor lie, surrounded by bushes, stumps, leaves, twigs, branches, squirrels and big old trees that resemble something out of first blood. (part 1 obviously)

But what happens is there is a tiny gap that looks straight to the green, a vision of hitting a worldy, talking about it in the bar, telling anyone that would listen,

And then comes the decision to hit it, against all better judgment, and what follows is normally a lot of ricocheting, ducking and swearing.

We can use vision to make decisions to get the results we need,

And that comes with getting clear on what you WANT and WHY and taking the simple daily actions needed to get us where we want to go.

And with building a better body for golf.

It's here

This Is Fargin War

This Is Fargin War

Not sure if you’ve ever seen the film Johnny dangerously, but it’s kind of a naked gun gangster type film set in the ’30s

It’s about a young guy named Johnny dangerously (did you see that one coming) who had to turn to crime to pay for his Ma’s medical bills. 

However, what it is most remembered for is one of the mob bosses who has a very thick accent that restricts his ability to speak English correctly. 

Some of he’s hilarious sayings are:

“This is fargin war”

“You fargin sneaky barstage”

“You’ll wind up with your bells in a sling”

And “Why you miserable cork-soaker”

The reason I bring this up is when I got off the plane at Gatwick the only thought that entered my head was “this is fargin cold”… And got thinking this is probably what it sounds like when trying to speak Spanish. 

I bet I sound like this guy, butchering the words and phrases, and it being funny to those that hear it. With a accent that doesn't pronounce the "h" sound in any words like "elicopter" "Bloody ell" "ello" (for the record the "J" is pronounced with a "H" sound and I still don't do that). I don't even pronounce the "T" in my own name. 

But with that being said, nothing gets better without practice, and I suppose if anyone would have had the "bells" to subtly correct the mob boss, on his new language, he would have been able to course correct and slowly get better. 

That being said, that’s pretty much all anyone needs to get results, 

  1. The "bells" to take action,

  2. The ability to course correct, when off-track,

  3. The "bells" to try again when there has been some failure.

I’m not sure how many times you've tried to get what you want in golf and in fitness, or if you think that you can't do the work, or that it won’t work, but what if the reason was you just….

Wasn't fargin trying hard enough,

What if you just needed some other barstages to refocus you and give you that little nudge back on track.

What if everything you wanted was just one more try away. 

If you think that coming up to Xmas is the time to slow down, then maybe that’s because that is what everyone else is doing. 

If you want to be better and are tired of the sheesh you put your body through then maybe the online golf mob is for you.  

I will tell you this though, 

If you are selected "this is fargin war", but it’s a war that is worth fighting and winning. 

And you can win it in under a month.  

Anyway, wanna know more, then take a look at this 

John Seton 

Sometimes you need a good ass-kicking .

Sometimes you need a good ass-kicking .

So I had my first Fight, Bout, Comp, Match (I'm not sure how you actually refer to it) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu In Valencia. 

It was scheduled for 12.28 in the PM and the weigh-in at 9-ish. However, as it was in Spain I actually got on the mats at 16.48.

The venue was huge and as soon as I laid my eyes on it that's when the nerves and me-old-April started going. 

They came up again at the weigh-in and at different points throughout the day. 

I actually managed to get in a kip too, on the seats in the stands due to the delay (I can kip anywhere, Planes, Trains, cinemas and now sporting events).

But nothing could prepare me for stepping on the mat and seeing who I'm facing. 

You see I'd missed weight by 2 Kg (Shame, Shame) and ended up in the next division potentially giving away a stone to a fella who’s pecs liked to wave hello out of his GI.

When the match started I was made aware that the guy was NOT as strong as some of the guys I've been rolling with and, I thought I'd done well with only a few mistakes and ended up losing on points. 

But, When I watched the video back its obvious that he was always in control, was never really worried after the start and knew more then my tiny head had learned in the 10 months I’d been doing it. 

It was quite a humbling experience. 

What followed was a huge disappointment, self-doubt and a night of thinking what could have been until the realisation that the targets that I had set had actually been hit. 

I wanted to fight in a comp before the year was out (which was in my control) and wanted to not be submitted of which I did both. 

Time for new targets to be set. 

Golfers at the start of every year or summer for that matter, set targets to cut scores, others set targets to lose weight (and worry it might affect their golf, and It can if not managed right)

They also do this by setting targets they can’t control... like cut 2 strokes or lose 2 stone. 

But if you set targets that are in your control you will have better results and a lot less pain, frustration, and the “F-it I give up” attitude. 

More context needed? your wish is my command. 

Instead of cutting 2 strokes (Which isn’t completely in your control) what if you worked on the weakest part of your game consistently (Which you can control) 

Instead of losing weight, what if you focused on training daily, eating better and stop making excuses for why you can’t do those things. 

Enter the GolfMob online 30 day transformation and its accompanying FREE golf nutrition plan, if you want to know what to eat on and off the golf course for better performance on it then this free download might be for you.

but you will actually have to do something, not just read the plan and add it to your “soon to-do list”. 

Results require’s action, and this FREE plan and its daily emails actually filter out those golfers who would be a terrible fit to get the results from it.

That's why the full program is application only, it requires hard work, consistency and you have to actually stop the excuses that keep you stuck.. 

Anyway, want more info….. go here

John Seton 

Double-lively Skipping

Double-lively Skipping

Just finished wrapping up the intro videos to the Online GolfMob

By the time it was finished, it is close to 45 minutes of content including:

The intro (of course, gotta have an intro)

Why the GolfMob works, (very simple and it's not because of the exercises)

Playing and winning the game. (make it a game, you want to win)

Tracking and measuring, (most men haven't used a tape measure on their bodies since they were teenagers)

Why you fail, why you succeed, (why you beat yourself up and how to stop it)

The TPI golf screen, (where are you throwing away shots and distance?)

Your Golf fitness handicap, ( get this down and you add distance)

And the best phone apps for constant daily improvement.

Now, that's a lot of info, and most people may want to just skip through to the training double-lively.

The foundation could be shorter, have some content removed so that it's not so long, but the fact is the foundation of this is SO important.

If you don't have a clear reason why you are doing it, how you will do it, what will stop you, as well as not understanding what you need to be
tracking and measuring, how can you get the best results possible.

If you don't know how to play and win and what daily actions to take,

if you don't have a golf fitness handicap telling us what's hindering you and your swing from top to bottom, then we cant do what needs to be done to get the best results you want.

Everyone's like "right let's go", crash straight into it, "give me all the cool stuff first".

In golf everyone just wants to get on the golf course, no one wants to warm up, no one wants to practice, everyone wants to just play.
But it's in the foundations that anything is built correctly.

Take for instance a house, if the foundations are two bob it doesn't matter what you build on it, it still has a weak foundation and it can all go wrong.

There's only so much you can put on top of a sh*t foundation, so the foundation video series that's part of the GolfMob online might be a bit long but the information that's in there is vital to everything you do after, the key to any success and lasting long term results.

There's only so far you can go without the right foundation and the right plan.

When you look at your life and what you want to achieve whether it be fitness, or in your work, your family or your own self-confidence.

If you don't lay the right foundations, if you start without the right information and the actions necessary to build a bigger platform from, then you won't get the best results.

So whatever it is you are doing, whatever it is you want to succeed at.

Have a look and see if you have built the right foundation, do you know enough, are you taking the right actions to get what you want.

If that target happens to be golf performance, if it happens to be golf fitness, then build it around a strong foundation.

If you want to be a fitter, leaner, sharper golfer who hits the ball further, then maybe the foundation of the golf mob is exactly what you need.

It's up to you

John Seton

As likely as an honest man in Westminster.

As likely as an honest man in Westminster.

In October, just shy of 10 months after starting, I will be fighting in my first Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competition.

And the odds are against me, the chances of fighting someone with as little minutes on the mats as me are few and far between, actually there is more chance of an honest man turning up in Westminster.

So why am I doing it?

Because at the start of every year I list potential things that are challenging.

So in January, 6 weeks after starting, I asked my professor what would be a challenge for a man like myself in Bjj.

I was thinking along the line of:

How many stripes on my belt would be a good target by the end of the year?

How many days of training would be competitive?

You know, that type of thing.

His reply.

"If you want to challenge yourself then you have to compete by the end of the year".

I can say with honesty at that moment that my april shrank a little bit.

that wasn't the expected reply.

"You said you wanted to challenge yourself. the way to challenge yourself is to compete".

So here we are, less than a month out and confidence is hardly sky-high, however, there will be more learned from doing it then hiding from it.

And, I can't really fail.

I can win, I can lose, but I can only fail if I don't compete.

People think they are afraid of failure.. but that's just not true.

what people are actually afraid of is being seen as a failure by others.

That's the painful part, there will be the odd guy that says;

"No not me, I don't care what others think"

OK, if that's the case I'm gonna have you just think that you fail every day in one shape or form,

You set targets, things that need to be done, food you’re gonna eat or not eat, changes you're gonna make and you fail to do them.

The reason why it's not painful is that no one even knows about it.

You've just failed in private, and it's only you that knows it.

If you think different, write a list of everything you plan to do and tell EVERYONE.

Failing in public opens up two things.

Criticism from others and showing our weakness.

We all have weaknesses, (just take a look at Arsenals back 4, I've seen monkey poo fights in the zoo that have more organisation.)

If you don't have a fear of failure then you can take action.

So if you have something you want to do, tell people. It will keep you accountable and motivate you even more to move.

You still might not go through with it but your commitment will be increased, due to the chance of public ridicule and facing it will make you stronger mentally.

If you want to become stronger mentally, fitter and have a golf swing that is more powerful, then there is something for you.

It's here

But, if you are not doing something because of what others might think or say, you are holding yourself back from growth and improvement.

Even if you do mess up, people will only care for a second before they go back to worrying what others think of them.

Why give them the satisfaction.

Do something today that you've been putting off, and just see where it takes you.

John Seton