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Banana Metabolism

Banana Metabolism

“While some people may indeed have slower metabolic rates than others, the difference equates to a large banana or less” BTN.

Not too much wiggle room there. But, the best thing about this, it can remove a LOT of the excuses someone has about getting in shape.

The thing is, as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner when the suns out, I like a beer and an ice cream.

Not together, that would be weird.

But when I hear the sound of an ice-cream van, for a split second I’m 5 again.

When someone places a can of beer down on the table on a hot day, watching condensation slowly dripping down the outside of that cool can, there is a part of me that thinks, weekender...

It’s just about priorities.

If you get clear on your priorities, of what you are doing and why then the decision to take action or not is so much easier.

If you don't prioritise what you want over what you have you will stay where you are.

The clearer you are on what you want, and what you have to do to get it the easier it is to do the work to get it.

There was a time when you did what was required to get what you wanted because you were clear, on what needed to be done and you prioritised it over everything else.

What is your target for your body and golf this year?

Is it to just get to swing a club, or is it to knock it further than you used to.

If you wanna do that AND lose the lockdown derby, then get clear on how and make a decision to do it.


Have an Ice cream and a beer and be happy with your priorities and decisions

But probably don't blame metabolism.

If you want a plan to sort both your belly and how you knock a golf ball see the lovely link below.

John Seton

Nice one

What Bill said 

What Bill said 

I was watching a bit of stand up comedian Bill Burr when he told a joke about the large fast-food chains working with the government to make the people more stupid, tired and unmotivated so they can be controlled and told what to do. 

But, I know if I’ve been eating rubbish I don't want to do anything. I can find a problem in every solution. 

Most people tell themselves what they can’t do based on what they are currently doing. 

If you haven’t exercised for months the thought of doing it (and I mean planing to do it) is hard work because it's based on your current experience. 

Same when you feel full of energy, any idea seems possible. 

If you are not getting the results you want maybe you’re just tired. 

Everything is more stressful when you’re tired. 

Everything is more difficult when you’re tired. 

And the food you eat can affect your energy, making everything else more difficult than it needs to be. 

There is what you know now and what you can learn to be better. 

The biggest difference is being able to apply what you have learnt. 

That's why there is a whole section “Unbreakable Nutrition” in “Unbreakable Golfers”

If you know stuff at a deeper level you can apply it to suit you and your life. 

Anyway, if you are tired, stressed, worn out and can’t get your head right in the morning maybe it’s what you've done “the day before” that's holding you back. 

Or it could be the government. 

Just take note, because what you measure you can improve (This doesn’t apply to your Hampton). 

Wanna know more about Unbreakable, reply to this email. 

If not, there is an instant fix here.

John Seton

Nice one

You can take the man off-site but you can’t take the site out of the man. 

You can take the man off-site but you can’t take the site out of the man. 

My car with new technology wouldn't lock, and I stood there like a wally for about five minutes pressing buttons opening and checking doors, pressing more buttons, phone a friend while using all the new tech on this motor but eventually got it open by using a good old fashion screwdriver (you can take the man off-site, but you can't take the site out of the man).

I know I am a caveman, who found the bright shiny computers pretty to look at and I just get by typing with the bottom of my fists, but sometimes,  

a good old screwdriver is what you need.

You can keep your fancy retina scans to start a motor, give me a key that I can use to open boxes too. 

Most people think they need the perfect set up to get the perfect results. 

However this causes them to jump from one thing to another, one plan to another, one putter do another rather than just doing the simple thing that has worked in the past and stop the nonsense that doesn't. 

Feeling that you can’t do something because it is too difficult just means you haven't broken it down yet into a small part to make it not only simpler but FAR easier to take action and get it done. 

There is always a simpler way, you just need to stop looking for perfection. 

The guys that are getting the best results are not working to a perfect plan, they just have a plan and stick to it consistently. 

What could you pull off in the next 12 weeks if you just did the simple things you know you should consistently be doing every day?

How different would it all look from today if you stopped stopping and jumping from one thing to another?

How would your body look and feel?

How much more confidence would you have in what you are doing?

How much happier would you be to be around?

How much more money would you make?

It could be what you eat, what you drink, how you sedate or just giving yourself permission to say bollocks I’m doing this. 

Simplicity stops all the excuses. 

And it doesn't come simpler than this;

John Seton

Nice one

bee em eye

bee em eye

So this morning I added the first part of the nutrition training that will form part of the Unbreakable Golfers plan. 

This section on nutrition will go deep on the fundamentals of health (The stuff that stops "the death") and what is the most up to date advice on getting and staying healthy so that you don’t become another statistic. 

In The GolfMob, I kept all the nutrition stuff as simple as possible because it stops all the bullshit excuses of having too much to do and too much to think about. 

But Unbreakable is a long term process that takes time to implement as its about long term health and results and not just about looking and feeling good for the summer. 

Today's training was all about BMI and what to focus on and what to ignore. 

The biggest problem with what people do today is they have no framework to work from. 

It’s just about doing what they want and then trying to undo the damage they have been doing to themselves. 

This causes people to feel that just walking the course is enough. It’s not, it's better than not walking the course, but walking around the shop's burns calories and is better than home delivery but its hardly exercise or training and it’s not gonna help you live a more healthy life compared to what your body is telling you right now. 

You are either getting better or getting worse on a day to day bases, what you do or don’t do today will impact your health tomorrow. 

The worlds obesity rate has doubled since 1980, yet we have more information and courses on food and health than ever. 

The problem is most people won't take ownership of their health when it comes to eating and training. 

Nobody can force anyone else to look after themselves. 

It’s down to them saying “I take FULL responsibility for my health”  

The difference is knowing what to do and most importantly how to apply to the life they currently live. 

How they eat, sleep and train. 

How they think about themselves and what's possible for them. 

How they lead by example in their family. 

How they deal with the pressure at work. 

Search online for a BMI test and just see where you are today, with no judgement about the past or the future. 

It’s the starting point for reducing the risk factors of poor health and its a measurement for future results. 

On top of that it might give you the momentum to start building up the energy to look after your health. 

If you want to get access to the full training when it is released reply to this email telling me you are interested and I will add you to the early notification list of Unbreakable Golfers. 

If you just want to get fit and add distance for the summer then the GolfMob is for you.

John Seton

Nice one. 

Pulled up by the Guardia.

Pulled up by the Guardia.

I made what could be considered as an illegal turn.

And got a telling off by the traffic police...

But, the good thing is it showed up how awful my Spanish is.

It should be much better than it is now.

But I haven’t put the time in, I haven’t been consistent and it shows...

It has caused me to hesitate and make poor decisions with the words I use, and robs me the power to communicate.

Your body robs you of power and that causes you to hesitate or make poor decisions.

If you don’t feel comfortable with the way your body is right now. You can change it.

You can pull off more in 30 days than you think because when you are committed nothing can really stop you.

The time is gonna pass anyway so why not be doing the work required while the time is slipping away.

How would your body look if you were committed, without excuse for the next 30 days?

What decisions could you make if you had 30 consecutive days under your belt to show you what you were capable of?

How far away are you right now from where you want to be?

How much confidence would you have to make the decisions you need to make in your business if you could see what you have pulled off in your body.

Your body is either giving you more power and energy or it is robbing you of it.

It’s easy to tell people what to do, it’s much more difficult to show them, but it is far more powerful when you do show them.

Commit to something for the next 30 days and build more willpower, anything that you know is costing you either time or energy.

If you want something that fits nicely into 30 days and will add distance to your full swing as well as lose weight then the untidy link below will guide you there.​​​​​​

With that I’m off to learn how to say not guilty in Spanish.

John Seton

Nice one