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Golf Performance

Not being good enough.

Not being good enough.

The fear of not being good enough is not really a negative. 

Not if you know how to look at stuff through a lens that helps and motivates you. 

Picture this, you are about to play in a business linked golf event. Your performance may indirectly lead to more sales, more opportunity, and better stories with the guys who can help you make more redies... 

But, you are worried about the first tee, you haven't been playing your best recently and this is the one event you truly want to show up in. 

A fear of not being good enough may be the one thing that makes you practice (be it before the event, on the range) or warm up properly so that you don’t need a few holes to get going. 

The same fear my cause you to make better club selection based on playing to your current strengths. 

The point is that the fear of not being good enough makes “some” people take action to get better. 

If you want to make sure that you do something but have been putting it off for longer than you can remember, then one of the most powerful things you can get is accountability. 

You don’t even need to pay for accountability if you don’t want to. 

Just go on anti-social media and post 

“This is what I am going to do and if I don’t can you all please take the piss and remind me of it every day for the rest of my life” 

I guarantee that you will be motivated like you are strapped to a rocket feeling the power as you blast through the air to your targets. 

Obviously there are ways to get motivation, to pick targets you want to achieve, things you don’t believe you are currently good enough for right now but still take the actions without uttering a word on boatrace-book. 

And it is to be ruthlessly committed to your targets and staying consistent to them, while getting better every day. 

That’s why there is a whole section on getting clear and staying committed to your targets in Unbreakable Golfers. 

However, this part, this teaching, this accountability is not free. 

I’ve shown you how to do it free, all you do is the post I suggested above. 

But, if you’d rather just turn up and show people your results rather than just telling people what your gonna do then reply to this email and I let you know whats coming. 

Wanna know more, go here:

John Seton

Nice one 

Is it really that important?

Is it really that important?

Why even bother fixing your body to help your golf.

Generally speaking, your body affects your golf and your golf affects your body.

Now, that can be in a good way, or abad way.

You could have tightness and restriction, which is costing you distance, timing and accuracy.


you could have a swing plane and path that's not built for your body which is causing you pain and eventually injury.

They're both interlinked.

The biggest problem that most golfers do is they don't pick a specific plan and decide to stick to it.

What they actually do is they will blindly choose random exercises, drills, and techniques that are not build to fix THEIR problem

On top of that.

They don't know if what they're choosing is not only right for them but actually even works because they're just randomly choosing plans that aren't built for them and their issues.

As you get older, your body gets tighter and less mobile and that affects distance and the way you swing the golf club.

It also starts to hurt as your body's capacity to execute that technique becomes more diminished.

Wanna know more about this, this is what we're covering in the Unbreakable Golf section of Unbreakable Golfers

Click this link if you want to know more.

John Seton

Nice one

It's not the weight.

It's not the weight.

when we look at the body, 

One thing that fitness people are supposed to talk about is weight loss. 

and not fat loss.

It's not weight loss that people need generally its fat loss. Most people are addicted to weight loss and the scales. They won't talk about wanting to look a stone less. They will talk about being a stone less. 

When asked the following question, you get what they really want. 

“you've got two options. One is you look exactly the way you are now, feel exactly the way you are now, sleep exactly the way you are now, act exactly the way you are now, but you’ve lost a stone. Or you look like you've lost a stone, but you weigh exactly the same. Which one would you prefer?”

Most people that are after so-called weight loss will choose to look like they have lost weight because they can see the physical effects of the work and effort they've put in.

We all are motivated to get results, and stay motivated by progress.. 

If you do something and don’t see results, you give up. 

The best thing that anyone can do when it comes to anything is to get clear on what they really want.

Can you see progress? 

Are you actively moving towards a target? 

If you want a training on doing this it will be in Unbreakable targets. 

Reply to this email if you want in... 

John Seton 

Nice one 

When you butcher, your second language.

When you butcher, your second language.

A town next to me is called Javea.

Spelt with a J that is pronounced as an H (so Havea)

Now where I’m from things that begin with an H are pronounced as though the H doesn’t exist.


Bloody hell is bloody ell

Down the hill is down the ill

helicopter is elicopter

As far as I’m concerned it's just a dialect, it's just a way of speaking.

Back to Javea....

We are all made up of our experiences, our knowledge and what we believe is true for us.

My experience tells me that the “h” sound doesn't exist.

My knowledge tells me that I should be sounding the “H”

And my beliefs, tell me, I don't give enough of a shit to change it.

Which means I just call it avea.

Everything we do is based on our experiences, our knowledge and what we believe is true for us.

If you want to add more distance, know that adding more distance is easier for every club, if you fix your body.

But you don't believe that you are good enough to take action. Then you won't do it.

If you want more distance, want to be fitter, stronger, and leaner, then you only need to decide whether you really give enough of a shit to take action. 

The people that do click the do, link below.

John Seton 

Nice one 

Catch That...

Catch That...

Now, I know as a man I'm supposed to say that tigers and lions are the best animals because lions are the king of the jungle and eye of the tiger and all that. 

 And let's be clear. They are bloody cool and watching the Tiger King was an eye-opening experience. But for me, monkeys are fxcking hilarious.

The way they act,

The way they laugh, the things they do. 

And I think You've got to admire something that would quite happily shxt in his own hand, and throw it at you to win an argument.

That's a commitment... 

But when it comes down to any animal, if one decided to look at me as though I was lunch I would feel fear. 

Reason being, as much as Lions, Tigers and Monkeys are cool. 

I'm not a fan of being eaten, and it is not something on my bucket list. 

And that's what fear can do, it can change your whole perspective on something. 

It can change your actions because you truly believe that at that moment, something's going to go wrong. 

Which can also stop you taking the actions you need to take because there's some sort of mental block, some sort of fear, and that fear can be based on experience from years ago, that you haven't forgotten about or, just a belief based on absolutely no evidence at all. 

That's why in Unbreakable Golfers the section on mindset will teach you and educate you in ways that you can find out if it's fear that's holding you back or fear that's actually protected you (both are possible, but one keeps you stuck). 

Want to know more about Unbreakable Golfers reply to this email. 

If you just want more distance now that the courses are open and to get rid of that bit of pudding you put on during the lockdown,  

Then click the link below.

John Seton 

Nice one