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Golf Performance

The Pain of Motivation

The Pain of Motivation

Most people are motivated by pain. 

The pain of getting away from some place, either physical or mental, the same time we try to avoid pain.. 

Is it any wonder why most people procrastinate on doing the things that will ultimately give them what they really want… 

I say what they “really” want and not what they tell others they want. 

Here’s an example, in marketing you have to look at what people buy and not what they say they want to buy. 

Can you see the difference, one is what people “think” the other is what people “do”, and if people think they might be caused any type of pain (from themselves or the thought police telling them how to think) then they will avoid the action to avoid the pain. 

That includes Telling People What They Want to Hear.. 

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just shows us that action will always speak louder than words. 

We aren't inspired by stories of people who have got something of value by getting it easy, we are inspired by people who have to sacrifice and go through pain to achieve what they want… 

You can’t get away from the idea that pain is motivating and avoiding it is certain to avoid the results you want. 

One way to motivate people is to let them see what will happen if they dont take action, how things will get worse and how doing something is better than doing nothing (for an example of this just look at The Arsenal defence). 

If there is something you’ve been putting off just list all of the things that could happen if you did nothing…Then list what the worst thing that could happen if you gave yourself permission to try it out. 

You’ll be surprised that some short term pain might stop a lot of long term pain. 

The Golfmob is not easy, if it was, the results wouldn’t be as powerful, and most people shouldn’t even try it because they will not have the willpower to stick to it, but a select few will have results that can't be compared.

Let me know if you want in

John Seton

Nice one

"Pay yourself first, with time and money"

"Pay yourself first, with time and money"

"Pay yourself first, with time and money"

Dan Kennedy says “pay yourself before you pay everyone else”

His philosophy is you will fight tooth and nail to find the money for everyone else

(as long as you ain’t one of those entitled idiots) but will just make do with what’s left if you pay yourself last.

And with time, that's normally when you're exhausted and would rather sedate.

The Wake up Warrior movement teaches that you must hit your plan (they have the core 4) before you leave the house, at best by 8am.

Earl Nightingale had a philosophy that the first hour of every day belonged to you and your primary goal.

(he said that you should spend the first part of the day listing 10 things every morning you could do to better yourself)

This way you actually take time to THINK about how to get better rather than believing the stories that tell you that its not possible, 

Too hard or ..

Theres not enough time. 

The point is you must find a way to “pay yourself first”

And by doing it in the morning not only does it set you up for the day but it also gets you in power before the world gets involved, 

And try's to suck your energy….

Find a way that suits you, your needs and more importantly your targets. 

Before anyone else.

Sounds selfish but it benefits EVERYONE close to you.

So find out what it is you desperately need and most desperately want.

And focus on it, do something about it before anyone else sucks your time or..

Your energy, leaving you exhausted before you get a chance to focus on yourself, so.

"Pay yourself first"

If you want more info of how we do it at Unbreakable check out the Unbreakable Golfers App when it's officially released (I currently have Pro's, High level amateurs and weekend warriors finding the bugs for me). 

John Seton 

Nice one. 

Swing is being judged

Swing is being judged

I was recently reading a post about a guy who hated the way his full swing looked.

The way it looked on camera, 

The way it looked to other people on the range or in the nets. 

He said it didn’t bother him as much on the course, but when he was just hitting balls he felt he was being judged. 

And the first tee was always his worst hole unless it was hidden from view (he said he especially liked the 1st at Celtic Manor 2010 course). 

Even though he's putting game was on point and looked good (to others I imagine) and his short game looked fine, he said when he took a full swing he looked amateur and felt he's ugly looking swing had people laughing at him. 

The solution.

Well, according to one of the teachers who said. 

“swinging outside your capabilities makes things look odd to the eye but it’s all about the result”

I have found this to be true as well.

The trick is knowing what your capabilities are, and still being able to generate enough power from the floor. 

This is something that is covered in the TPI screen and makes it virtually impossible for anyone of any age to not know what their limitations are. 

Not only will it let you know how far you are trying to swing outside your limitations, but it will also give you an idea of what to improve. 

The best part.

You probably have everything you need to fix them. 

You simply have to combine them together correctly.

This is one of the single most powerful and easy things any golfer can do.

To make yourself, move better, become more powerful and have more faith in how you look on camera, and to others when you swing a golf club. 

To grab the tutorial of the golf screen, as well as the keys to fix it you will need the Unbreakable Golfers app when it launches. 

To download the app when it’s available, go here 
John Seton

Nice one

Cut him, and cut him again….

Cut him, and cut him again….

Saw this yesterday. 

A fella, was off 33 and scoring between 48 - 57 points a week…. For 4 months…. 

He got cut to 18 and still scored 40 points.

It didn’t say if he was a “nudger” but the replies were what you would expect, but the point for me was 

4 months…. 

How can you get away with that?

Don’t get me wrong the fellas that go through Unbreakable  do get called bandits as it does radically change how much power you can deliver into the golf ball but still, 4 months?

What’s the point of this email?

The most radical change a man, with kids, with little time for himself , and work can make to his golf game is through his body… 

So if you want better results in your golf, start looking after your body and your mind, as you can't do anything without them. 

Generate more power from the floor (proven by that thing called science) and becoming more efficient with the time you spend to improve is how you become more efficient. 

You’ve got to believe it works though… 

Without belief in anything you will struggle.

Anyway, wanna not cheat but have the results of one….

Them become an Unbreakable Golfer

John Seton 

Nice one 

The buff zone.

The buff zone.

Trying to hit a certain number is difficult, it’s like trying to hit the bullseye of a target. 

However, getting in a range of numbers is by far more possible and what’s possible can be repeated. 

If you have to hit 146 yards it’s going to be more difficult than, 

wanting to hit 146 yards but being ok with hitting between 135 and 155. 

That target is far more doable. 

To get your GolfMob points for both calories and nutrients you want to fall into the buffer zone. 

Quick recap. 

You will use the calculators (that is in the “Apps” video of the course) to calculate how many calories, and what nutrients you want to consume per day. 

This is a daily guide but has two other variables, those variables allow you to aim for a specific target but have some leeway and still score.  

That's the buffer zone (or the getting buff zone)

Having a daily target that you go after but only focusing on what you can control, rather than the things that are out of your control allow you to stay consistent and motivated. 

With both of those, it's inevitable to get results. 

So what I want you to do next is pick a target you want to hit but give yourself some leeway to hit it daily, then take daily actions that you have complete control over and see how close it gets you to your target.

Then at the end of the week, adjust, rinse and repeat... 

Wanna know what we do in Unbreakable Golfers,

Go here 

John Seton

Nice one