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Dangerous advice In a Safe Facebook group. 

Dangerous advice In a Safe Facebook group. 

No sooner had I sent yesterdays email about bad advice in a Facebook group, the entertainment gods sent another one just for my displeasure. 

There’s a golfer who has the shanks, he uploads a video and asked for advice. 

Golf pro James Skelton steps up with a clear explanation of whats-appning, with links to content he's filmed that sorts the issue.. 

But also, what followed was more information from others (the ones I saw were not golf pro’s) about everything you can physically think about and do in the golf swing. 

You name it, it was listed.... 

Now I imagine 99% of the people sharing did seriously want to help, but were they qualified to help and could some of that advice make it worse? Definitely. 

There were even a couple of things I’d read that could even have hurt the guy physically (as an observation I had was that the way his head moves in the back swing, he could be physically restricted in his neck, but that could also be a habit as I haven't screened the guy). 

So here in lies today’s lesson, 

“Facebook groups are today’s equivalent of the pub”

For every bloke sitting at the bar who knows what he's talking about, there are 50 others with pints in their hands happy to help, but might not have had your unique situation meaning that their advice may not be what you need to hear. Also, their will be that one helmet at the end of the bar, pissed out of his head, mumbling stuff that doesn't make sense. 

Like in the pub, it’s up to you who you listen to. 

For me, its the expert... 

As luck would-av-it, said Pro James Skelton can help you out here:

John Seton

Nice one. 

Golf Virgin at 40

Golf Virgin at 40

If like me, you are now in more Facebook groups and whats app groups than I’ve ever been in. 

It’s got so bad its actually good. I now hide my phone from me (on silent) for large chunks of the day, and the clarity it brings is powerful stuff. 

However, I did get sucked in to one Facebook group where there was this guy who took up golf after his 40th birthday, and now 2 years later, and a lot of lessons he plays off 11. 

Yes I hated him for a little bit too. 

And he was asking if he should continue taking lessons. 

And the comments.. WOW.. 

You could not believe the difference of replies, from 

“I’ve never had a lesson in my life” to 

“yes but just on short game” and 

“get stiffer shafts first” even

“if you’re off 11 you don’t need them”. 

And then the voice of reason came over the comments section, (completely ignored by the others beating their chest) and said....

“Are you still improving with the lessons?”  Mike drop, walks into the sunset. 

Can you see the difference? All of the comments before were statements, probably based on their own experience (how we interpret everything) where as the last was a question. 

Everyone else had opinions but the question is far more powerful and it boils down to this:

“Is what you are currently doing working for you right now” 

If it is, then stop looking for reasons to self sabotage your progress, or ask a better question, like, 

“What I’m doing is working but (I don’t want to continue to pay, or I want to take a break and not get worse) you get the point. 

If it isn’t then change it. Do something different and see what happens. 

Most people are just after “Permission” and I’ll cover that in another email. 

So what I want you to do next is just ask yourself:

“Is what I’m doing right now working, Yes or No?”

If the answer is NO ask yourself this:

“What can I do today to make it better?”

This is where I would tell you about the GolfMob but it’s shut (and will never have all the accountably it’s had in the past cos that is moving all over to Unbreakable Golfers, more on that in the future) so just take the time to think about the question above. 

Questions open up the mind, so ask better questions.

John Seton 

Nice One 

PS The golfing influence is here, its for over 50 and the offer closes soon

Wolves In Youtube Clothing. 

Wolves In Youtube Clothing. 

Got this message yesterday on Facebook “John, is this you?”. Followed by a link to a youtube video. It’s probably where you click on it, it asks you to sign in to Facebook, and if you do then these wolves have your log in details. (probably hoping that you use the same details for other stuff where they can get your readies). 

I didn’t click it, not because of some deep intuition, it’s because... 

I’ve been caught out before and now know the scam.

Learning from your mistakes is the best way to learn anything. (if you are not afraid of making mistakes that is ). 

Most people make a mistake and then try not to make that same mistake again. 

But not on the golf course, It’s like we are addicted to making the same mistakes. Most golfers will sort out the help they need but only when things get really bad. 

There are a few things we can do that will keep those mistakes away with an outstretched arm. 

For the body, it's as simple as focusing on your core. When we talk about the core we mean your whole midsection including your back and the muscles you use to breathe. 

Anyway, you don't need to do sit-ups, crunches or anything that tiring to have a fully functioning core that helps you control the golf club and support your back. 

One can be as simple as sitting in a chair and trying to breathe into your belly rather than your chest. So why not just try that right now to get started?

This is just one of dozens of tips that will help you, your back and your consistency if you are willing to do them 

If you are over 50 (you cant just feel over 50 for this one son) and want to sign up to our current offer before we pull the plug then go here.

Plus James Skelton will sort your swing-out.

John Seton 

Nice one. 

The Drug Dealers Of Treatment 

The Drug Dealers Of Treatment 

One thing I’m noticing more and more is people supposedly needing treatment for injuries and issues that are being fleeced with weekly treatments and enjoying paying for it. 

It’s like the drug dealers and drug takers of treatment. 

I get asked my opinion on people having treatment for months on one issue and not seeing any results and I do have to wonder, who is to blame. 

Is it the treatment guy or gal who has convinced the client that they need to come back every week, (sometimes twice a week) for months, with no real target, yardstick and with no improvement. 


Is the client just addicted to the setup and they insist “it’s what they need”. 

I’m results guy. (kind of in the frame of when Delboy said)

“I’ve always been an achiever Rodney. But, mind you, I’ve never achieved much, but I’ve always been in with a shout”. 

For me there must be some target, Something we are working too. Otherwise, what’s the point. 

If there is no progress, not even a small one, why even bother. 

They’re those type of charlatans out there, who milk their clients, preying on their fears of needing the treatment to stay healthy, but at the same time they’re those type of clients that just need to feel like they are doing something about an issue, without actually doing anything. 

Here is a little test, if:

The client is not being given anything to do, to progress away from the sessions (if it’s relevant to the program and safe to do so of course) then you could be being milked by a milkmaid. 

But, if you’re being given advice, tasks, things to do that will improve your situation and you refuse to do it, and keep going back for more, then I suppose there are worst things to be addicted to and to spend money on. 

If you're in the first camp, start asking questions and just see if you’ve been pigeonholed as a treatment meth-head or, you are currently being helped by Walter White. 

If you’re in the second camp, you would be a terrible fit for any of what I have to offer. 

Everything is set up to repel those types, they mess with results and could take the spot of someone who really wants to change. 

If you think you’ve got the stuff to be focused on results, doing the work required and wanna know how to hold yourself accountable (Probably more important than anything else you can do). 

Then maybe, you have the minerals needed. 

It's not easy, but results only come from action.

The March Online GolfMob slams its doors shut at 10 pm London time on Saturday 28th. 

Let's be clear, I need to have received your “application” by that deadline to start next week. 

John Seton 

Nice one. 

For Golfers  50+ And Why It’s Currently FREE

For Golfers 50+ And Why It’s Currently FREE

In my twenties, I suffered from serious back trouble. 

There wouldn't be a year or even 6 months that could go by without injury, time off work and more importantly, time off golf.

Then over years and years of study and action that is behind me. And out of that came Golf Performance Therapy. 

Any back pain now comes from not exercising or fighting (Brazilian Jiu-jitsu).

Then with kids I hit the “fat dad” stage had to change everything up, and out of that came The GolfMob. 

Realising I hated most of what I was doing, went through personal development programs (like Wake Up Warrior, etc) and out of that came Unbreakable Golfers. 

All of these made my golf (and my life) better. 

All of the above came about by trying to fix something in me that was broken. All those programs fix stuff but also prevent the same stuff appnin again, but...

People don’t do stuff for prevention. They never take action to prevent things, they only take action to fix things. 

Then in a true “Captain Obvious” epiphany moment. 

Why not build something that works, that golfers don't have to come in and have a treatment, don’t have to have the F.U attitude needed for something like the GolfMob and, 

don’t need the commitment and an open mind to do some crazy and unconventional stuff, that might cause you to say W.T.F in Unbreakable Golfers. 

And to build it for golfers over 50 only!

But, to do that we need data... We need to know how far we can go and how keen someone over 50 is to seriously better themselves, their body and their golf swing.

I know what it's like at 20, 30 and 40 cos I’ve been there. 

That's why what we've set out is in the free format, myself and Golf Pro James Skelton both know what we have works for any age, any handicap, and we know the guys that get the best results are the ones that are the most committed. But, this is for golfers over 50 only..

Anyway, it won't be free for long, 

So if you wanna know more go here  

However, if you feel you need a big change in your body and could do with a kick in the ass then that my friend is here. 

John Seton 

Nice one