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Pain Free Golf

Reduced LockDown.

Reduced LockDown.

Its day 1 of reduced lockdown here in sunny Spain. 

Which means more movement, shops open and maybe (depending on numbers in there) a pint at “Bar Differente"

You may still be massively restricted in what you can do, based on the rules of others, but what about the rules and restrictions you put on yourself.

Are you desperate to get going, to get results, to get back to normal but still feel trapped and think that it's out of your control? 

This thinking causes a desire to make excuses as to why we haven't got the results we want. 

With 8 weeks locked up I’ve done a shit load but still have a feeling I should have done more.

Understanding that our results are down to us and not anyone else gives us power. 


If it's someone else's fault you can't do anything to change it.

We can blame time for not looking after ourselves, or blame not knowing what to do next as the problem for not getting results. 

If you decide that you are 100% responsible for your results then you have power. 

You can take the actions needed to get that result. 

No self-imposed lockdown. 

Realise that the only thing stopping you getting the results you want is deciding to go and then being committed until you get there. 

There are many ways to get there but you need to pick one and stick with it until it no longer moves you forward. 

If what you are doing is working for you right now then changing to anything else (Even if it's the GolfMob) will be a waste of time and energy.

Why would you change something that's working,  that's just self-sabotage fella.

But if what you are doing now is not getting you the results you want then you need to find something that will and have the courage to change without excuses.

It’s all laid out for you here

I can show you the way, but I cant do the work for you.

John Seton

Nice one. 

Cloudy Clarity....

Cloudy Clarity....

Spent close to 6 hours on my fact map, getting clear of what's needed over the next 12 months. 

The biggest problem we face is not getting clear at what we are going after, why we are going after it and how it will impact our lives when we get it. 

The pain you feel now whether its physical pain in your body, what you see in the mirror or how you’ve been showing up with a lack of energy can be used as the fuel to get going and get results. 

The best thing about any type of pain is it’s a good motivator. 

Most people can’t be inspired by maintaining, they need the shxt to hit the fan then they have all the energy and motivation in the world to take action. 

“ The clearer you can get in the pain of right now the more fuel you will have to go and keep going after what it is you want” 

Whatever it is that is holding you back right now from going after the results you want, can be the one thing to focus on, moving you away from that pain and to keep you motivated when you need it. 

What becomes possible for you is based more on moving away from pain than it is then moving toward pleasure, you can use both but hiding from the pain keeps you stuck. 

What is the pain, and how can you use it to get better?

What I want you to do next is just get clear, on what “your pain is” and use it as your motivator to take action. 

If you want what I do it's here

John Seton 

Nice One 

Frank Skimmer

Frank Skimmer

The skimmer (At least I think it’s called that, basically the flap on the swimming pool) broke causing the swimming pool to fill up with debris.

Now, what I should have done was get it sorted right away but I left it and now it's messing up the pool.

Trying to continue making do with something insufficient at getting the job done just leads to things getting worse.

Now it’s a pain in the ass that was easily avoidable, but that's what we do right?

Continuing to leave stuff that needs to be sorted, day in day out and hoping things will work out.

I need to fix things as soon as they stop working for things to get better.

“Take action to fix it or leave it to get worse”

It’s no different trying to look after yourself while just leaving things until it gets to the point that it just won’t work anymore.

If you attack the problem head-on only then will you stop things getting worse...

If you plan to sort something, make it better and want the accountability to stick to it then...

Commit to getting better, tell someone close to you about it (someone who will give you shxt if you don’t pull it off, you should have someone immediately in your mind) build a plan to follow so you don’t second guess yourself, and then stick to the plan.

That plan can cover as little like getting up an hour early or as in-depth as, what to eat, how and when to train, what to focus on and what to ignore.

The ability to stick to it is more important than the plan itself...

So just build any plan and do it now before things get worse.

If you want that plan that will also add distance to your golf swing then I have just the thing here, but...

​​​​​​​It won't help you if you half-ass it, but then again nothing will if you do that and better results won’t be possible.

But like I said, the commitment is more important than the plan.

John Seton

Nice one...

Quicker By Path...

Quicker By Path...

One thing that the-old lockdown has hit is the speed of the internet.

With school lessons online, work commitments on line, sit in front of Netflix and just give me five minutes online, has made the speed of my internet take a serious one in the balls.

So with that, I’ve had new internet installed, the thing is I should have had this done months ago as it wasn't giving me the results it should, but,

I told the story that it was too much hassle and I’ll sort it out next week.

That short term thinking has cost me long term.

Short term thinking is what holds back most golfers getting better results in their body with physical fitness and their mind in, well, mindset.

Not getting the results you want as fast as you should, could be down to thinking that it’s just too much hassle, and you will wait until next week, next month, next year.

So you give up on that idea far too early and beat yourself up for procrastinating.

I do it too, I’m the king of procrastination, but at the same time I’m also consistent as fxck.

All I need is a structure to follow that allows me to take action, based on habit and it kills my procrastination.

If you’ve tried something and failed it doesn’t mean it won't work it just meant that “at that time” it wasn't right for you.

Consider that any previous failures were because you tried to take the easy road.

If you want results in more than one thing you need to walk a more difficult path.

By walking a more difficult path you challenge yourself to stay consistent and with that, it's much better to follow a path that gets you where you want to go and has been walked by someone else.

The path we use in golf performance is more………….

more distance,

more energy,

more results quicker,

If you want that path it's here:

But it requires you to take action and not procrastinate.

John Seton

Nice one.

Embarrassing Zoom Moment

Embarrassing Zoom Moment

During my boy’s online English lesson the other day I messed up in front of the whole class. 

The teacher was struggling with Zoom, questions from the kids flying at her like a press conference for Trump. 

The camera and audio on our end was off. Or so I thought. 

Somehow the teacher accidentally unmuted everyone just as I decided to take over and read the entire sheet of questions (With comical effect of course) to my boy and everyone in the class with a funny accent. 

When coming to the end of my Presidential type speech I heard from the “Unusual” silence off the computer, one of the kids say:

“Who’s dad is that talking, he sounds weird” 

Now it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, own up and face the music, but,.....

At 5 foot 8 and a bit, I am not a big man, so I just pressed mute and watched the last 10 minutes of the class, full to pieces while standing there embarrassed. 

That’s the problem with embarrassment, it stops you either dead in your tracks or causes you to lash out and blame others. 

The thing is it showed me that I need to be more aware, I could have been swearing my ass off and made it all a whole lot worse, and led me to the following point:

“What you do in private shows up what you do in public”

If you can overcome the embarrassment of making mistakes you can learn and get better results. It’s mistakes where the real learning and growth is, and how you show up in private will dictate how you show up in public. 

The work you put in now when no one's watching gives you results when everyone IS watching. 

There are no overnight successes, just people who have done the work required when nobody was watching.  

Consider that if you were to go about your day today with the idea that you were on show, how much more would you get done?

What results would be possible for you?

If you want to know exactly how to keep yourself accountable when nobody is watching, it is covered at an extensive level in the full foundation week, that is here for you for FREE. 

But it requires you to DO THE WORK REQUIRED, without that you will just be watching the videos and wasting your time and that’s what Facebook is for 

But not the GolfMob, we are about results...

John Seton 

Nice One