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Weight loss for golfers


Shut the doors, grab the remote, if you don't have a Netflix account get one now fella because, after a week inside, I can see two trends you will see over the course of the next few weeks. 

1. You will be fed, see and jump between more fitness and business building content than you thought possible. 

2. You will feed your self more and exercise less as you stroll through this unprecedented no man's land of uncertainty. 

Old school marketers will tell you that the confused and overwhelmed mind doesn't buy and let's clarify that and say the confused mind doesn't take action. 

I think there will be a two week (Xmas style) grace period where most people unplug from what they normally do and make plans with very few deadlines (self-imposed deadlines are what kicks you in the arris) and just stre-lax. 

Stre-lax is when you are so overwhelmed with choices without any real consequences or planning that the stress causes you to do fxck all. 

The “I’ve got so much to do that I need to have a sit down” mentality. 

How do you get over this... I would say either be aware that this is gonna appen and just take some time off and not beat yourself up about it too much. Give yourself a starting time of when you will stop stre-laxing or................. you make plans now:

Pick a start date, 

Decide what you want to achieve and write it down... 

^ ^ ^ Read that again ^ ^ ^ 

Just writing it down will give you a different focus and more clarity with no awakening or study needed. 

You currently have a chance to learn new skills, mindsets and habits that could help you for the rest of your life. 

What I suggest you do next is take some time with no distractions, no social media, no news, no emails, no list of jobs that you would do if you could or what you will do now because you can and just......

Think about what you want to get out of this situation that everyone is in and...

Write it down... 

You might find out that everything you’ve been doing all these years makes you unhappy and you may have an opportunity to do something that makes you happy when this is over. 

And if it doesn’t end... There's always Netflix. 

John Seton 

Nice one. 

P.S If you want to be part of The Golfing Influence check this out, its free but we expect you to pay with your content. ;)

Septic "Middle" Peg

In the ‘Middle” of Friday I suggested you go and get your golf clubs from your locker just in case they close the golf courses and then later that day they were advised to be shut down.

It was more Septic Peg than any great insight (Septic Peg being the Brian Connerly character that predicts obvious things like “the winner will be a Man or a Womon”) and was based on the same situation appnin in Spain one week before.

It’s much easier predicting stuff when you've experienced it yourself.

For instance, I will never aim to hit it over the putting green on the first hole at Wentworth West course ever again.

No, not me my friend...

Experience lets you make better decisions.

Unless of course, you don’t learn from the mistakes you make and continue to repeat them by doing the same stuff over and over again.

Remember what Uncle Albert Einstein said about the definition of insanity.

“Insanity is being addicted to a game of golf and not being able to play it”

or something similar to that, I could look it up and find what he said but I ain’t had a coffee yet and lets face it if he didn't say it...

He bloody well should of..

Point is things are gonna change, new habits will be built, old habits will be broken, things we used to care about will be forgotten and things we've taken for granted will become important to us.

Want experience in how to build new habits while braking old ones, how to assess, correct your body and add distance to your irons when all this shit is over.

Then I have something that takes hard work, persistence, consistency and a FU attitude.

And you can do it on lockdown regardless of if you are in it now or KNOW it’s coming 

John Seton

Nice one

P.S  We also have something else cooking up, but is for golfers over 50 and has some keys terms to get it free




Here in Spain, there is no golf.

Nowhere to hit balls (legally) and I’ve never wanted to visit a range more in my life.

It feels like back to the days when I used to always have my clubs in the car, just in case I drove past a golf range.

Now I’m here thinking of all the crazy things I was gonna do and didn't get round to before the lockdown.

One of those things was to build an indoor studio in the under-build.

Simply, just a mat, nets, scaffold poles. Imagine being stuck in the house with that. My hands may have been sorer than a teenage boy locked in his room.

Anyway, when it comes to golf, If your course is still open and you are getting to play take this one piece of advice.

Maybe don’t leave your clubs in the locker (if you have one), because at some point clubs may worry about guidelines laid down by the Government, all it takes is one having a bit of squeaky bum time about getting sued at a later date, causing them to do more than reduce the distance between players.

They may stop you entering the facilities and you may not be able to get them for a while.

Meaning, not being able to do some damage indoors like me, (it’s all tiled floors out here which makes hitting anything fat that little bit worse).

Remember Unbreakable Golfers Rule 3, “Only focus on what you can control”.

Well what you can control now is the actions you take to be prepared for what’s going on, and how you will show up when it’s all over.

If you can’t get to play golf you might have to focus on your body and reap the rewards in your golf swing when you can later.

I’ve never seen so much online fitness offers in my life, it may probably change the way the entire world looks and takes action on looking after themselves, as more and more people have to move their business online to keep going.

There could be some very valuable content out there for FREE as more and more people panic throwing plans, and systems together at the last minute.

As for the online GolfMob it took years to put together and was finished way before any crisis going on.

FREE, I’m afraid not. The fact is it works like nothing else I’ve seen and a program this hard that gets golfers fit and adds distance requires some type of investment to stay committed.

It was free once, for the first 30 days when it first got launched as doing so allowed me to find and fix any issues that come up before the full launch.

If you want a FREE 30-day program Facebook is blowing up at the moment.

But, if you have time on your hands and want a proven system not created overnight, then the hard work needed for the GolfMob might be what you are looking for. 

Anyway Stay Strong

John Seton

PS. Talking of FREE offers I do have one cooking up with PGA Pro James Skelton, and don’t let the free part of this full you. It’s very valuable and will form part of a paid program we are cooking up.

You have to be over 50 and allow us to use the content as part of the program.

If you wanna know more it’s here 

Dude... What-appened, Mega-manflu

Dude... What-appened, Mega-manflu

Who would-ave thought that a “steroid injected man flu” would spend so long in the gym pumping iron that it could be strong enough to shut the world down..

Generally what I think about the 24 hours news cycle is that “it’s toxic and should be avoided at all costs” (and my recent constant checking of facebook groups have impacted my production), but I seriously underestimated this “mega-manflu” the way I underestimated Tyson Fury.


Well, when this first kicked off my thinking was it’s just an overreaction and it’s just filling the void of the Brexit scaremongering that had been going on.

Plus I’m more laid back then most and think most people overreact about pretty much everything. That and the fact I’m just a monkey that found a razor.

But shxt got real really quickly...

The way it went down here in “The Spain” was first,

close schools, then

close bars and restaurants, and finally

close everything, pull the shutters down and tune into Netflix. (or go on facebook and rant where you also get to see everyone now doing online training).

Which in theory will make everyone super fit and healthy as they now have no excuses, like time and access to information.

Well... Maybe not because when people lose their daily routine they fall back into sedation.

They start their day by eating the types of food you have at xmas,

They take ages to get going in the morning,

They spend far too much time on their phone,

This leads to building bad habits rather than good ones..

Here’s a suggestion,

* set an alarm, get up the same time as usual,

* hydrate (have a pint of water to earn your morning tea or coffee) stay off the news or social media for 1 hour.

* Plan your day and get clear on what you want to achieve for that day.

* Take action.

If that action is hitting the golf ball further while you can’t get to the golf course then I have just the thing. 

It will build you new habits, a better body for golf and when you get back on the course you will hit it further, but a warning...

It requires doing work daily. If you are someone who can’t do that then the Online GolfMob is not for you.

However, if you feel now is the right time to change your old limiting habits and beliefs then click the link below for more info.

John Seton

Nice one.

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 7

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 7

Be ruthlessly committed to the plan, 

"You don't get what you want, you don't get what you deserve, you don't get what you need, you only get what you are ruthlessly f*cking COMMITTED to"
Garret J White.

Waking up and aimlessly just getting through the day was what I used to do. 

The alarm goes off or the kids wake you up first, and it would be a case of just another day of work to get through. 

Busy, but not getting anywhere.

Putting out fires all day and then wait for the day to finish, but… 

That's not growing that is just existing, and we are happiest when MAKING progress. 

Do you have a plan?

A strategic, well thought out "Hannibal cigar smith" plan that you have a reason to stay committed to. 

Here’s the best bit, “IF” you stay committed to that plan (and check in's to see if you are on course)

It's impossible to NOT make progress.

You can walk a marathon by just taking steps and head in the right direction. (your time would be awful but you’d get it done)

Staying committed to the plan is the hard bit though aint it fella.

How can you stay consistent, especially when every one around you isn't committed to doing anything other than getting through the day. 

How many people do you know that have a target, a plan and stay consistent to it. 

Heres a little secret "just showing up each day however little is an easy way to stay consistent".

Let's say you decide to work on your putting stroke (I know I need to), you plan to hit 3 Putts in your living room every day.

it would take you maximum of 5 minutes (that includes getting the putter, finding the right golf ball)

How good would you be in a year if you done that EVERY day.

But what happens is you will start to believe your thoughts of:

”This isn't doing anything”,

”Not a real green so doesn't count”

”It's not working” and then you.....


Give up and look for something else to try to get the same result until you stop doing that.

You don't even believe that you gave up, you just miss one day and then never start again. 

Here’s an idea why not just stop stopping.. 

Why not have a plan that you can follow every day regardless of how you feel or how busy you are and just stay consistent to it. 

If you know the night before, what you have to do the next day, it makes things so much simpler. 

Set targets, stay consistent, stop stopping. 

If you want a simple plan that works on and off the golf course then this training I put together for the Kent golf team might work for you, if….

You can be consistent, can follow a plan and can think for yourself.

If thats you, the link is below… 

Nice one 

John Seton