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Weight loss for golfers

What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

If you can find out what it is you're afraid of, You can find out why you're afraid of it.

Most people are afraid of what other people think.

Even the ones that tell everyone, “I don't care what other people think”

You know why?

They're telling you that because they care deeply what other people think.

It's human nature to want to be accepted by the group they consider themselves in.

So, if there is something that you're not taking action on, it could have nothing to do with you being lazy, and probably more to do with the fact that

you're worried how it's gonna look to someone.

The question is,

if you're not taking action on something, what is the potential fear that stop’s you taking action?

It could be massive or it could be minor.

But if you know what that fear is, you can find out if it's justified or not.

Let's say, you're just about to do a bungee jump. You might have a fear of death.

That helps because you are about to jump off a bridge with nothing but a condom attached to your legs.

But at the same time, you might have a fear of a meeting just because you are worried about the outcome.

If you can find out what you're afraid of, you can see if the fear is justified and helping you or hurting you.

If you're not doing something you know you should be doing ask yourself,

What is the fear here?

What is the one fear that's potentially holding me back?

And is it justified?

If it is,

then stop worrying about the outcome, realise you're looking after yourself.

If it isn't.

See what you can do to stop that fear so you can take the action to get what you want.

Either way, it’s very simple, and progress is on the other side of your comfort zone.

And it's gonna be something that’s massively covered in unbreakable mindset.

Wanna know more about that, reply to this email,

If you want to use your golf to get in better shape for the summer, click the link below.

John Seton 

Nice one 

Don't Eat Less

Don't Eat Less

The best thing about the body (as far as staying alive) is it’s built to fight against a lack of food. 

So, if you decide you're going to cut calories massively what your body's going to do is it's going to try to be more efficient with everything else. 

It will pick what type of energy expenditure that you need because it needs to keep you functioning and functioning in a way that you can hunt and get the food you need. Obviously, I’m talking about before we had shops and not to take your rifle out with you. 


if you're cutting calories massively.

What happens is, your body will move less. You will crave certain foods far more than usual, And you want to eat more. 

However, every plan that gets you to massively cut calories will get you in a situation where your body is fighting against itself because it's got bigger fish to fry.

How do you combat that


You plan what you're going to do and how you're going to do it and more importantly why you are going to do it (think long term). 

You could quite easily massively cut calories and have massive result, Take all of your new photos, post them everywhere and then, 

bounce back to where you were before because your body is telling you, “man. I need da food”. 

How do you combat this? 

You make better food choices, you make choices that are better for you long term, not just short term, and you build your short term targets to motivate and push you forward towards your long term targets.

And it requires you to in most cases eat more. 

Add the good shit first.

Very simple formula.

All you need to do is be aware of what you're doing.

If that sounds too simple. It's because it is.

If you're aware of what you eat. 

When you eat it, 

how it affects you, 

then you can make choices, prior to getting hungry to stop you having those cravings when, 

you're stressed or tired, or just feel like you need a break. 

This is why Unbreakable Golfers (which is going deep into nutrition, explaining everything that you need to know) so you can make better choices long term. 

Wanna know more about Unbreakable reply to this email. 

However, if deep nutrition is the last thing you need, and you just want the most simple system there is to gain yards or lose inches in the next 28 days. 

Then the link to the GolfMob is below.

John Seton

Nice one 

Eating too much....

Eating too much....

The body is designed to tell you when you are full.

Hormones in the body that are released from fat tissue to tell you when you've eaten enough or need to eat more.

So why is it today that everyone seems to be overweight, are eat more than they need?

One reason is that a lot of the foods that people eat don't have a lot of fibre in them (if any) are calorie-dense and they give your brain a nice little reward for eating them.

This reward in the brain makes you want more, eat more when you feel down or stressed.

This is why you could sit there and demolish a pack of Pringles with no problems, a tasty large bar of fruit and nut,

Or that large bag of Jamon ruffles (pound for pound the best crisps, it’s true, don't fight it, just accept it as true). But try and sit down and eat a bag of apples, see how you get on, even with the sugar that's in them there's a point that it becomes more than difficult.

Food is different and has different effects on your body and mind regardless of what the label says.

There are more food choices available today than ever before, cleverly marketed as one thing of benefit while stealing energy, mental focus and some foods can even stop the rocket in your pocket lifting off.

You want to make better food choices, especially as you get older because the comes a time when the clock starts ticking down rather than up.

The GolfMob is all about weight loss and adding distance, and the foundation of it is as simple as possible to stop all the excuses (Like time, information overload, etc)

But Unbreakable Golfers is information-packed, full of enough to stop the need to jump from programs to program, mentor to mentor because it teaches you depth.

Depth of nutrition, how to use it, the implications for you and your family, and how you can use it now and in later life.

If you want to get on the waiting list for unbreakable golfers reply to this email.

However, if you just want to get ripped for the summer.

Click the link below.​​​​​​

John Seton

Nice one

Course closed

Course closed

Is there anything worse than this information.

Whether you get the notification via email, by calling up...or...worse, 

Turning up to the golf course looking forward to playing, pulling into an empty car park, and then you see it in big writing. 


It’s a killer,

The number of times this happened when there was a big amount of rain in the night and I’d planned to play in the morning. 

Not that it’s an issue now with the weather being “scorchio”

We know this is done (in the past not because of COVID) to protect the course but...It's still proper frustrating.

Biggest frustrations now are more about tee times but that's what addiction does to you. 

Keeps you frustrated, awake at night, thinking about what you can do to be better, what club, ball, or gadget we could buy next that might be the difference in yards or shots. 

There are some things, like the weather, that is completely out of our control. 

But one thing that is completely in your control if you have the tools to deal with it and that's. 

Your attitude.

Your reaction to the nuisances of those around you and....your focus of what to do about it now. 

It’s a lot simpler to just focus on what you can control, like being better, reacting better, acting better and to not be frustrated by the stuff you have no control over. 

And it’s easier than you think with a few simple tools and actions. 

Focusing on what you can’t control leads to pain and suffering, focusing on what you can, leads to growth and progress, or at least, 

a shrug of the shoulders and a pint... 

If you wanna know exactly how to get out of your own head then Unbreakable Golfers will show you how. 

Let me know if your interested by replying to this email and I’ll add you to the waiting list where I lay out the exact blueprint. 

If you just wanna be fitter for the summer, then that my friend is here.

John Seton 

Nice one.

Mosquito Energy

Mosquito Energy

Mosquitos spend their time, sucking-off the blood of people, leaving marks of their handy work while flying around annoying buzzing in your ear just waiting for a slap.

And when one takes one big slap, there is another just waiting to take its place.

Kind of like problems.

You have one after the other, just waiting to fill the space, occupy your time and thoughts.

Unless of course, you are full of energy.

Energy is the fuel to both attack each problem or to not have it bother you.

The best way to be full of energy is from the food you eat.

Knowing what powers you, and what drains you is the difference between getting shit done compared to putting it off till tomorrow.

Not being aware of how food affects you can be the one thing that is holding you back as well as beating yourself up for not doing it.

Wanna get more done and be better to be around, give yourself more energy.

There is this neat little tool called “The Google” and it gives you access to all the info you need on any subject. However,

It takes time to filter through all the stuff that works and can work for you by fitting it into your life.

That's why there is a whole section of videos on nutrition in Unbreakable golfers called “Unbreakable Nutrition” (It took me a while to come up with that name), that cuts through the stuff that's both important and relevant and condenses it down that it can even be absorbed by a shaved monkey like me.

Nutrition for me is as boring and painful as being forced to watch repeats of “loose women” while there is sport on the other side.

Wanna know more reply to this email, and I’ll add you to the list.

Anyway, I’m about to go on a mosquito massacre because as I write this my ankles are part of a blood bath.

John Seton

Nice one