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The experience meaning

The experience meaning

Confidence is either unwavering or goes up and down depending on what you have just done. 

Think about missing a 3 foot left to right putt, how is your confidence on the next putt that's similar, are you confident or fearful?

Around people you've only just met, are you uncomfortable or calm?

What about taking on a new challenge, does your gut fill with uneasiness or do your balls tingle with excitement?

Confidence comes down to the reps you have done. If you have done the work, you will be more confident, If you have the experience you will have confidence, this is all because of the thoughts that are going through your head. 

So either do more reps, work and gain more experience or 

Have your thoughts give you confidence rather than fear. 

You do that by questioning your thoughts and the "meaning of the previous experience". 

Our minds give meaning to what we have experienced, positive meaning = positive experience, negative meaning = negative experience 

How do you change the meaning of past experiences,......

Questions, all good coaching is asking questions, 

Asking the questions of the body, 

Asking questions of the mind 

Asking questions on the golf course.. 

The simplest way to do that is to ask the right questions at the right time and allow the mind to open up.

The Unbreakable Golfers Program goes in-depth of this subject, and in the live calls you will get more clear on the "Meanings" behind all of the stuff that holds you back 

To find out more download the Unbreakable Golfers app here 

Nice one 

John Seton 

They’re gonna talk sh1t anyway

They’re gonna talk sh1t anyway

What is it you have not been brave enough or clear enough to take a stand on. 

Most people won’t take a stand as they are terrified of criticism, or scared of failing, or being attacked and judged.

I have not done things in the past that would have made my life better because I didn’t think I was ready, and that it could lead to criticism of what it is I was going after.

But that is not leading by example, living a way that allows you to grow and get better.

When does it stop, when does not having the courage to go after what you want cost you more long term.

Hiding is so much more painful and hurts more than taking a stand and having the courage to go after what you want, regardless of the opinions of others.

The fact is people are gonna talk sh1t anyway, they might as well talk sh1t while you go after what you want.

What if you have been handed the tools to make it better but the fear stops you taking action.

So a question to you is:

What do you want and what's the current fear that is stopping you from going after it?

Is it your body, do you feel you could get hurt?

Is it that you think you’re not good enough?

Or is it that others wouldn’t agree and that conflict feels too much hassle right now?

If it’s people talking sh1t there is nothing you can do about that, because the fans in stands talk, the players on the pitch play and you can be either a fan or a player you can’t be both.

If you don’t want to be a fan that talks and wanna play a different game, 

Then it’s here 

John Seton 

Nice one

Bryson D Shambo

Bryson D Shambo

This man is causing a bit of a stir

Something I saw recently was someone asking if what he was doing was unfair 

And by the responses it got me thinking how some people make their progress a sham 

Some were just taking the piss.

some were desperate for his results, but would never be willing to put in the work, and 

others would be willing to do the work if they just knew how to get started,

Now let's be clear, most people aren't willing to put in the work that will get them the results they want… ,

Mostly because they have other priorities, and are happy to prioritise them. 

Yet there are a small group of people that will not put in the work, but believe because someone else's will it somehow makes it unfair.

However, there is only one really unfair thing, and that is there are some people who truly believe that their results are not caused by their actions… 

Everyone wants the magic pill.

Magic driver. 

Magic food.

The Magic exercise. 

Whatever it might be, it comes down to

Doing the work, daily.

Getting up when everyone else is asleep,

working late when everyone is at home.

Not eating the foods the masses are eating, 

training once everyone has finished training

At every level, you will have those that are willing to do the work. And those that won't.

And so it is with unbreakable golfers.

Those that sign up will learn more about the body, the mind, nutrition and how it all impacts the golf swing 

But you will only get out of it what you put in…

The guys that do, will be sitting with better bodies, more power, more energy, more distance, more confidence, as they will all have put the work in…

The type of work you do when nobody is watching so you show up and look like an overnight success.

In the Unbreakable Golfers App, there will be enough free content to get results but you will only get out what you put in..

And, we launch. Very, very soon.

Stay tuned. 

John Seton

Where have I been?

Where have I been?

You might be wondering where the hell I've been when it comes to content.

Well, I've been creating a shitload of content in the Unbreakable Golfers app.

And that takes time, resources, energy and determination. 

See when it comes to results.

It's about focusing on what gives you the quickest and best result, based on what you are going after 

The best bang for your buck. 

For me, it was trying to get everything set up, recorded and inside the Unbreakable Golfers app,

So it's ready for the launch.

Now, what this meant was I had to shift some other targets and commitments. 

(like to write emails every single day)

There's a reason for that consistency.

If you want anything. 

And if you want results, you've got to get 100% clear on what your target is and go after it with ruthless consistency. 

This is where most fellas go wrong in fitness, It's never gonna come down to 

  • One workout. 


  • One superfood 


  • One meal.


  • One day of staying focused

What actually happens is the fellas that get results (and results that stay rather than falling back into the old damaging ways as soon as they see progress ) is having the consistency to keep going after a target with razor-sharp focus. 

Being able to do something every day consistently, so that it gives you the long term results.

And that means sacrificing something else in the process. 

That way, you can walk a marathon eventually by going in the right direction, rather than trying to run a marathon in one go, and given up because it seems like too much hard work.

The best thing about walking a marathon is that even though it takes longer, the consistency you build stacks on top of your previous work and Your results are inevitable.

Knowing when and what to remove (even only short term) so that you can get what you want without stress, overwhelm and wanting to headbutt everyone. 

So something had to give...

With work and the amount of content going in the app, family and with it being hot as fuck out here.

I had to shift...

And unfortunately, that was daily emails, But the content is busting out of the app now. 

And everything ready for the launch, while getting back to prioritising writing daily and fulfilling on what my clients need. 

So the question is,

Where are you holding yourself back getting the results you want because of another commitment? 

Is it your golf?

is it having more confidence in the way you look?

is it the flexibility in your body?

And follow up question...

What commitments can you put on hold so that you can be committed to getting the results that might change everything for you? 

I'm going to show you exactly how to do that in the Unbreakable Golfers app.

So stay tuned as it launches soon.

John Seton 

Too old.

Too old.

We are the sum total of our thoughts, habits, behaviours and the people we spend the most time with. 

And if our thoughts, habits and behaviours tell us to give up, put it off till tomorrow or worse, that we are too old to do it then that's what we will believe. 

The fact is you are not too old to get better and improve, You are just too stuck in your “old ways” to get the results you want. 

Think about that for a second, everything we come up against is based on what we have seen or experienced before. 

If you are on a hole that has caused you problems before, you will take those previous problems into the hole with you and that will guide your decisions. (Have you ever played a hole for the first time and somehow missed all the trouble because you never knew it was there). 

The same thing happens with any action in trying to get better. 

You take in all the previous experiences and see all the trouble and that affects your decision making and what you believe is possible, for you. 

If you associate with people that are exactly like you, you will all believe the same things of what's possible for you all. 

This keeps everyone at the same level, all believing what's possible and not possible for each other without ever really seeing the truth. 

And the truth is; 

“We are only limited by what we believe”. 

Change your beliefs and you can change your results. 

No one will ever give the required amount of effort if they believe it’s a lost cause, and anyone who doesn’t put in the effort will never have the result. 

So start with what you believe is possible and go from there. 

Wanna know what we do in Unbreakable?

First I’ll walk you through how to start changing your beliefs so you can see that taking action when you don’t think it's possible is not real action. 

Then we align that with what you really want as your results, 

Finally I show you how to build out an action plan to go after it and how to keep going even when you don't feel like it. 

Then I give you the exact tools that I used and were taught to me to not only get progress but also build new habits that have others asking you “how can you do that?” rather than saying “you can't do that”. 

And they can't say “you can’t do that?” because you are already fucking doing it 

John Seton 

Nice one