UNBreakable golfers

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No Time Like The Future

They say theres no time like the present

When you lose an hour of your day, cos of
the clocks going forward it does kind of
mess with your system, causing you to feel
like you have no time

Its not just on the sunday though is it?

Dont get me wrong its a short day and the
weekend feel's like its over well lively

Its the Monday morning where you really
feel it.

Your body is completely conditioned to get
up a certain time and now its time to
retrain it and get up an hour early,

Start work an hour earlier,

Eat an hour earlier.

It's a way of getting Jet lag in your own

Lest face it this one "Spring Forward" is
the bad one right?

The good one "Fall Back" When we get an
extra hour in bed

Thats the good one,

Well its supposed to be.

Unfortunately not when you have kids.

Cos they couldn't care less that there's
an extra hour available in bed

"Dad I'm awake, get up"

Anyway, how to beat this non flying jet

The best thing for jet lag is to exercise,

Yep the one thing that your body and you
mind will try its hardest to convince you
not to do "IS" the best thing to get back
on track

So doing the complete oposite of what you
FEEL is what gets you on track.

How about that.

And to be honest,

The more you are able to do the things you
dont FEEL like

The quicker you will get to where want to
go and to what you SAY you acutely want to

Thats what we will show you at Unbreakable

Its a shift into the way people THINK
whats possible, especially dads that run
their own business,


Because the clocks dont really apply to us

To find out more

Go here


John Seton

PS if you're still unsure, do any form of
exercise NOW, forget everything and notice
how you are in 5 minutes

Most peple will say I'll do that later and
never get around to it

I can show you how to STOP doing that
