Not sure who will be the next “face” of the this years Xmas exercise video. 

You know the ones with the before and after pictures of a people off the telly. 

Picture one looking miserable, bad posture, bad lighting …..

Picture two slimmer with a massive smile on their face all in good lighting and somehow they can now stand up straight. 

But what these pictures don’t tell you, and probably don’t want you to know is:

They’re 2 things anybody can do to get leaner. 

Two simple things that will change ANYONE'S body. 

But the secret isn’t sexy. 

Eat better and exercise every day. 

That’s it.

That is all anyone has to do and is not really a secret is it. 

Then why do most people (and it is most people)

Struggle with their weight.

The answer falls under one thing and one thing only, which is:

The way they think about food and themselves.

Are those two things?

Who cares, point is this,

YOUR thoughts dictate your actions. 

Your actions are based on beliefs and habits which were formed by thoughts that are just played over and over and over until they become true… 

Think of this,

You hear a unbelievable story in the news, from a pal or online.

Your first reaction is "Thats Bullsh*t"

Then you hear the story again and again and again, you’ve now heard that story so many times. 

You now start to believe it…..

What changed?

Nothing, no new facts, no new evidence that proves you wrong, just the consistency of the message was enough for you to slightly change your opinion. 

So if you get a thought in your head and you hear it again and again and again.

The consistency of that message becomes a belief, which becomes a habit until it becomes “WHAT IS”. 

Do you know what mine was?

"No one will want to listen to a fella out of Mottingham who doesn't pronounce any word beginning with an “H” or “TH” properly or play of scratch talk about Golf” 

And for years this kept me stuck, regardless of the results I was getting for golfers in their body, mind and golf… 

Then in 2016 a mad mentor from South shields said: 

"Fxck their opinions, Results are all that matters"

And showed me a way to question my thoughts, beliefs and habits. 

People think they're stuck making the same mistakes in their body over and over again.. 

But that is just a thought and it is not even true. 

In the free Unbreakable Golfers App I show you some simple fundamentals

That work to change your mindset and more importantly your results, and lets be clear, people can keep their opinions because:

Results are all that matter.

John Seton 

Nice one