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Lazy Action

Lazy Action

“I’ll sort that out later”

Easy to say, easy to do yet it can be the biggest anchor to a clear mind... 

I know for me, the one thing I keep putting off is the one thing I should tackle next... 

If it’s on your mind all the time it’s stealing mental energy that can cause, 



And distraction, which leads to the killer of all action and that is sedating...

Whatever is your choice of sedating for you, be it food, booze, Tv, Facebook or YouTube...

What if that sedating could have been avoided by just dealing with the shxt you keep putting off... 

I work much better under pressure, however, being under pressure is a tough place to live constantly...

So I have had to build and use systems, tools and action plans that stop me being a victim and just get me to do what needs to be done... 

Habits build lazy action.....

That’s what a habit is at the most fundamental level, an action you take on autopilot that breeds a result...

You get better results if the habits you take move you forward to your targets or around the obstacles that hold you back, rather then into sedating which just pushes the target farther away.

If you use your behaviour to build habits that help you then the need for motivation and willpower is diminished because you can take the right action on autopilot. 

The Fairway 4 system can be put into any issue to build the right habits and behaviours...

The concepts of that and the way I use it are explained in the Unbreakable Golfers App 

Or you could just sedate,

John Seton

It Won't Work For You

It Won't Work For You

“I can’t do it, it won’t work for me”

Thinking this way causes you to hide from doing the work you know must be done.

If you fail you will look foolish, right?

But, not doing anything to get better makes you think there is something wrong with you...

Want the truth?

The truth is you already know exactly what you must do and you know that it’s not a case of being lazy or unmotivated or weak, you just lack the clarity of what to do NEXT.

Do you want to be better?

Are you willing to change your habits and behaviours to get better?

Are you committed enough?

What if you said

“I can do it, it will work for me” regardless of what it is you were trying to do...

If you knew you could do what you said you would how would you feel?




There have been times before when you have taken action to get what you want without reasons, doubt or excuses...

You just said

“Fxck it”’ and did it anyway and got results because it was what you wanted and that was enough...

But here is the real question.

What would be possible for you if you were guaranteed results?...

Who could you become in a month, 90 days or in a year if you knew the actions you took guaranteed results?...

Would you do the work required, or would you hide...

The underlying fact is:

“You are who you believe yourself to be”

And your results are dictated by your habits, behaviours and actions based on what you believe is possible for you, today...

Here’s what I want you to do next.

Decide if what you want is possible with the stories you currently tell yourself now and if not,

- either lower your expectations or

- change what you believe is possible

The first one is hardly motivating or inspiring but,

The Free Unbreakable Golfers app (in the link below) will help you out on the second one,

But only if you are willing to take action...

John Seton

Complaining Like A Be-atch…

Complaining Like A Be-atch…

Now I will hold my hands up,

I’m not sure exactly what went down, but some of you got multiple emails due to a glitch in my set up..

I take full responsibility even though I still have no idea what the software glitch was.. BUT,

Most people (the type of guys I want in my systems) would have seen it and had a little moan, a loud outburst of FFS, or even a reply saying “John you’re a dick, WTF”

However, one blue flame special went full hog and made a complaint to my email provider..

NOT ME (The Pussy)

My email provider…

Lets get this clear, this fella (I use the term fella lightly) signed up to the free version of the Unbreakable Golfer app, at the same time signing up to a mailing list and when he get got a few emails complained to my email provider..

Whats good about this is they will instantly remove him (I’m not sure he had the capacity to scroll to the bottom of the email and hit unsubscribe)..

But I didn’t stop there as this is how I see it

If he will complain when getting the free stuff, this will only be 100 times worse if he ever parted with any cold cash…

He would probably complain about information overload (an excuse for hiding) or blame me for his inability to DO THE WORK REQUIRED to get and keep results..

So the plan of action

  1. Remove him from the app immediately

  2. Ban the email address from ever buying anything from me

  3. Ban the ISP address from ever buying anything from me..

This may seem extreme but you are the sum of the people you spend time with, that includes clients.

I don’t want there to be any chance of me catching his Victim-complaining mentality..

It’s a virus that can infect your mindset, killing your production and your results.

So if you got the duplicate emails yesterday, for that I must take the blame…

But, I’ll have you consider that the last two emails were so important you needed to read them a few times..

Anyway, UG is not for bitches, if you ain’t one, the oestrogen free link is below…

John Seton

Lead The Follower

Lead The Follower

Follow the follower is a term coined in the excellent book “Lead the Field”

Basically, follow the follower is what starts in school and then grows into adult life.

The idea is if you were to look at a school class you would see how a group of kids would:

Dress the same,

Talk the same,

Laugh at the same things whether what happens is funny or not,

And do all the same stuff stupid or not.

Basically doing what everyone else is doing just to fit in.

With no one actually LEADING

But we see it carry over into work, sport and activities.

In golf for example, the industry has convinced us that the newest equipment is the deal-breaker in what’s gonna change for you.

So every year, every equipment maker has new and improved stuff, (sometimes every 6 months)

I’m not saying it’s not improved, my iPhone is better than my last one but it hasn’t changed anything in my ability to make calls,

Watch football clips or

Waste time…

So how can you improve yourself with or without new equipment?

You focus on yourself.

The ability to improve the weak, soon to be painful areas in your body and more importantly<

The way you THINK about what’s possible for YOU..

You can follow the follower or lead yourself.. 

John Seton

Nice one

Where is it?

Where is it?

So this morning my daughter comes walking down the corridor with one blue shoe on, and one foot with just a sock. 

She then asks “Do I look silly like this?” 

You can imagine what followed, we couldn't find my daughter's shoe anywhere, looking under tables, in every bedroom, outside, on the trampoline, even in the pool with no results. 

I’m now looking up at the clock on the wall knowing that it’s going to make us late while asking her where she put it... 

At this point, I pick up the bag that I placed on the floor only to find that it was under the bag. 

Panic over, 

If you are not aware of what's underneath you can never be ready. 

Preparing your body for what you want to achieve comes down to being aware of what is underneath the surface that will hold you back...

If you don't prepare your mind for what you plan to put your body through you will never stay committed to the actions that will give you the results. 

It doesn't matter if you are overweight, lack confidence in yourself or feels you don't have the balls to go after what you want until you get your mind right the wanted outcome just isn't possible. 

You can lose weight, have more confidence, and build the courage to go after what you want if you;

Get your mind right for what needs to be done. 

You need to focus on your thinking before you do anything if you want to get the best results... 

Be clear, this is not positive thinking, it’s about challenging the stories and beliefs that have been ingrained in you over the years that currently hold you back. 

Change them, and then see what's possible 

Wanna learn how to do this, that is the focus part of the fairway 4, the first step is here. 

John Seton 

Nice One