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Vote YOU

Vote YOU

Everyone will be telling you today to do one of three things.

1) Vote for the people I vote for because (enter some truth + some bull)


2) Don't vote for them lot because they (enter some truth + some bull)


3) You must vote, it’s wrong not to because every vote counts.

But I’m gonna suggest that you take the 4th option that I haven't seen touted about (however I do not follow the news, it's toxic and I’m probably the least qualified to talk politics which in itself makes me qualified) but how about this one.

You do whatever you want...

If that’s voting for people who will say or do anything to get into power then do it,

If that’s voting for people who will say and do anything to stay in power then do that,

Or if that’s just saying “its Thursday I’m gonna have a pint, and listen to some hard heavy angry rock music like wham and Spandau ballet ” then so be it.

Because it's them and us...

And I’m not talking policies, plans, the economy or Brexit,... NO, I’m talking about.....

Them, who like and want to be told what to do, what to think and how to act, and...

Us, who like to be shown what to do, what to think, how to act and then make our own decisions.

You know what's best for you, not a fella in a shirt who will only listen to you when he needs your help.

You know exactly what you need to do to get the results you want, you just might like to be shown a better way.

You don't even need the Online GolfMob program if you think that it's going to save you without doing the work to get more distance and a better body for golf, BUT...

It does show you HOW, and you can do with that what you please

If you wanna know and be shown how it's here 

Have a nice Thursday.

John Seton

What Gary Said.

What Gary Said.

“When people say it can't be done, what they are really saying is that it cant be done without getting uncomfortable”  Gary of House Halbert. 

The quote makes all the sense in the world. The only reason anyone can’t do anything that someone else has been able to do, for example, get better, lose weight, make more sales, it really all comes down to not being willing to do the uncomfortable work necessary to get that result. 

And this has nothing to do with laziness. 

let’s get some juicy tender meat out of the examples above. 

1) Anyone can lose weight. There is more evidence than anything else about a calorie deficit  being the main factor in weight control. It’s not the only factor and if it’s not done right can mess with your body and you can feel like shxt, but if you burn more calories then you consume, that calorie deficit will be paid from somewhere, namely body fat (and muscle). 

But, to achieve that there has to be a change in your current comfort level (or at least the perception of what you believe will change your comfort). 

2) Anyone can get better at what they do. It just requires reps. Does this mean that with enough practice I can play on the tour NO, my shitness will be a huge limiting factor, but with enough hard work and correct practice, anything can be improved to a level where we can be better than we are now. But those reps will get us out of our comfort (or at least we will believe it will).

3) Any business will live and die on the number of qualified leads it can bring in. 

The more people who want what you have and can offer them, the more reddies you can bring in, but to do the work necessary require’s putting the time in to find, nurture and add value to those leads so that when they need what you have to sell, you are the only business they think of because the amount of value you have provided up until that point (and the more value you will provide after that point so they continue to come back).

All of these things will make you uncomfortable but it’s the daily reps, off of a specific plan that builds up to the long term target that gets you the results you want. 

^ ^ ^ Read That Again Because It Is That Simple ^ ^ ^ 

Having a plan to follow that will give you the clarity to take the daily actions that lead up to your long term results is the easiest way to beat that uncomfortable-ness (new word).

Being consistent with what you do (so consistent that it actually becomes a habit) leads you to your desired outcome.

The GolfMob online is the simple system for adding yards to your full swing and taking a blow torch to your waistline, 

The added bonus of the two has a compound effect that builds on each other and means that you get exponentially better. 

It has a simple plan, using daily action building to a specific long term target. 

It’s the best way to getting used to being uncomfortable and to stop making the same mistakes you always do. 

John Seton 



My opinion on politics is extremely limited and goes as far as the belief that 95% of people voting have the same plan and that is...

Voting for who they despise the least. 

Not a great way to make decisions is it?

“Morning Sir. We’re conducting this survey and would to know which steaming pile of turd you would like to vote for?”

It reminds me of what the Terry Venables (Remember him) once said about his ongoing battle with Alan Sugar when they were both at Tottenham, and that it was all "Bollo-tics".

Bollo-tics definition.. Taking an important subject that has a lot of political nature, add a load of bollox no one cares about and what you have is a plan that means anyone in the conversation will say anything to prove themselves right. 

“Everything we did was awesome and everything they did was rubbish” 

Personally, I don't think you can trust anyone who can't say...

“Hold tight a second, I admit that I messed that up, it was completely my fault and it won't happen again” 

You see this dude you can trust. He's not too busy to do his job because he’s not spending time hiding his mistakes. 

But the real ones we have to watch out for is the “It wasn't me it was him” fella. 

No, this one has to go. 

This type is the worst, he's always standing around a major disaster telling everyone who will listen why it's not his fault, and who 'IS to blame.

Unfortunately for him and fortunately for the rest of us, he ends up having everyone lose respect for him because it takes him too long to realise the truth that... 

Nobody's perfect and those who pretend they are, are just liars. 

So maybe it's a case that most people just vote for who they believe will lie the least. 

And who will talk the least amount of bollo-tics. 

When it comes to increasing how far you smash the golf ball and how good you look doing it then the GolfMob Online is far from perfect. 

Actually, most people shouldn't even take the time to go to this page 

As they can't bullshxt themselves and pretend they will do the work it takes to get the results they want. 

Like most politicians, they will just give lip services about how they:

“will change things” 

“will make things better” 

All the while kidding themselves and just doing nothing to actually get the results. 

But if that's not you. If you are someone who takes action, wants to get better and is the furthest thing from a politician then maybe its time to beat the bollo-tics and get serious results in 37 days.

The how to get started is here 

John Seton 

Like golf, the body is a game of opposites

Like golf, the body is a game of opposites

Could you be tired because you drink too much coffee?

Could you fancy eating junk food because you’re not hungry?

Could you be putting on weight because you are eating too little?

I’m gonna have you consider that your body like golf works on a game of opposites.

The opposites in golf like you hit down to make the ball go up.

But the same can happen with the body, the more coffee you’re drinking the more tired you can feel (due to you not getting a deep enough sleep).

You need to eat more of the good stuff (the good stuff for you) to reduce hunger and lose weight.

The reason why you crave the junk food more often than not has less to do with hunger and more to do with reducing stress by avoiding the underlining issues and distracting yourself from whatever stress you are dealing with.

Yet the thing is, that can actually lead to more stress and you now feel tired, lazy and lethargic needing more coffee, which in turn reduces the effects of coffee as you have built up a tolerance to caffeine needing more and more to get the energy from it that you used too.

This is all borrowed energy, and you have to pay it back at some point.

So why not eat the foods your body needs for breakfast and lunch so that you are full of energy when you need it, have a cut-off point of caffein so that it's out of your system by the time you go to bed.

Start seeing food as a fuel that powers your body to be better, have more energy to play better, work better and make more money for your business, and if you need to eat the junk food, do it at the end of the day with your feet up watching The Arsenal’s newest defensive shit show.

This is why a plan like what we have in the GolfMob can be so powerful, as it's so simple and gives you more results than just in your body.


The chunky link is here. 

John Seton

Dog on a dodgy plane.

Dog on a dodgy plane.

One week ago today, I took a dog on a plane as hand luggage.

Yep, I was that guy...

It started at Gatwick, checking in my luggage, and then going to a till to pay for my extra piece of carry-on (this was the dog if you hadn't guessed).

I didn't know the protocol until I got there.

You see what happens is you hand the dog over to customs, go through customs yourself (separately) grab a coffee and then they hand him back to you at the gate.

Sounds simple doesn't it, that was the plan.

And from the outset that would have been fine, simple and pain-free.

But thing’s are never that simple are they, plans change (or get changed for you)

As soon as the gate number came up I made my way there expecting Baxter (the new member of the family) to be waiting for me, with me just needing to go to the gate and say “I’m the fella with the dog”

When I get there I get told “Ok wait over there” and she signaled to where people hover to charge their phones “and someone will come and get you when he's here”

First call for passengers, the second call for passengers, last call for passages.

Now I’m the last person here and still no dog. I make my way over there and say.

“any news on the dog”

Gate lady “Oh... no-one has brought him up have they, that's odd”.

Then the radio comes out, the call, the reply with no idea whats going on.

Final call now for all passengers, and the gate is empty, fear slowly starts to build up (what if’s,) the vision of the original plan of surprising the kids with the dog now turn to an image of front-page news saying.

“Gatwick lost my dog”

But no need to panic, some ascension and then the call that he's waiting at the door of the plane for the absent owner.

Fast forward, seated, the dog between my feet with my flight off to Madrid, change and then to Alicante.

That next plane is cool, I have two seats and then before take off, there is info from the pilot in Spanish, but the groans gave me a clue.

A technical fault on the plane and they need to get us another one.

Buses come, load us off and on to another plane.

Then lucky enough my pal picked me up and took me home to surprise the kids at the end of a very long day.

Now the point is, there is always a way, it may not be comfortable or even feel like the best way, but there is ALWAYS a way to get you to where you need to go.

To do that you need a plan, and that plan may not be perfect, you may go off course, but you course correct, stay consistent, don’t have a meltdown and you will get what you are after, you will get to your destination,

So sack up, chin up, shoulders back, follow the blueprint and just do the simple work required, one step after the other to get you where you want to go.

If you want the starting blueprint for Fat loss for golfers it’s here: 

John Seton